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Still undecided on which microcontroller board to use as the seven segment library that I'm using does not compile on the Teensy-LC.
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four digit 7-segment LED display
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1 kOhm resistor
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DS1307 RTC breakout board
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LSM303 triple-axis accelerometer and magnetometer
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Arduino Pro Mini
Original plan, likely sticking with it due to issue related to using a dipslay library with the Teensy-LC.
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10 kOhm resistor
Pull-up resistors for the SDA and SCL lines and the tact switch
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Tact swtich
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SevenSeg library
unable to determine the license details
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Wire library
GNU Lesser General Public License
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Time library
GNU Lesser General Public License
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DS1307RTC library
GNU Lesser General Public License
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Adafruit_Sensor library
Apache License, Version 2.0
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Adafruit_LSM303_U library
unable to determine the license details