1Step 1
Setting Up the Environment
Redtree Hydra currently requires a Ubuntu or Debian based development environment. For the remaining instructions, open the terminal application in Ubuntu. In Ubuntu It can be found by clicking the Ubuntu search icon on the toolbar, and then typing terminal.
This command will install all of the tools required to build applications for the Hydra robot computer:
sudo apt-get install subversion git build-essential g++-4.8
At the moment, we currently support development in c/c++. We do not have an in-house IDE, so you can use whatever you are comfortable writing code in. All of the code will be compiled in the terminal with a Makefile we provide.
We currently like using Geany because it's simple. You can get it on Ubuntu / Debian with:
sudo apt-get install geany
Setting up environment to run Redtree Hydra code on your computer:
It is also possible to run Redtree Hydra code on your Linux (preferably Ubuntu / Debian) computer (in case you want to make apps that control robots from your computer, or a phone or whatever). This will require an additional step. You need to checkout and install the Redtree Hydra middleware library (only the first time) - after that it will always be installed on your computer in the /lib directory. *note* This is not required on the actual Redtree Hydra unit as the units will ship with libaries already setup. Right now, we only support 64-bit Ubuntu / Debian computers, but will shortly also support 32-bits.
svn co http://www.redtreerobotics.com/svn/redtree-lib cd redtree-lib ./install64
Or for those of you who like git instead:
git clone https://github.com/redtreerobotics/redtree-lib.git cd redtree-lib ./install64
You can see more information on our wiki: http://www.redtreerobotics.com/wiki/index.php/Setting_Up_the_Environment
2Step 2
Hello Robot
Making your first program for the Redtree Hydra is really easy. Just check out the example code and change to the hello_robot folder:
svn co http://www.redtreerobotics.com/svn/redtree-apps/trunk redtree-apps cd redtree-apps/hello_robot
or if you prefer git:git clone https://github.com/redtreerobotics/redtree-apps.git cd redtree-apps/hello_robot
You'll notice a makefile, and a .cpp file file. The Makefile has been setup to download the Redtree libraries automatically. It is also set up to automatically compile together any .cpp that exist within the folder, so feel free to add your own .cpp files as your projects become more complicated,
Let's look in more detail at what is inside the hello_robot.cpp file. This file contains the code that will run on the robot. You can open this with your favourite editor and work on the code in here. When you open the file you should see something like this:
#include <rtr.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; void configure(void) {} void initialize(void) {} void setup(void) {} void start(void) { cout << "HELLO FROM THE ROBOT" << endl; }
Notice it looks like a normal c/c++ main - the only real change is including the rtr.h. Our toolchain and libraries take care of all of the rest of the work for you. To compile, just type make in the terminal where you checked out the code with subversion.make
Note: the first time you compile a Redtree app you may need to install a bunch of dependencies.Running the code on the robot
If you did this process on the robot itself (via SSH or through a USB serial connection for example) you just restart the robot and it will automatically run the new code you created. For now this is only way to get code onto the robot - but we're working on some easier ways such as through an IDE, over a web form or through the cloud service to deploy code to groups of robots.
Running the code on your computer
Make sure you've installed the Redtree Hydra library on your computer (see here)
Note: you need to run rtr-mid as root right now to take advantage of the networking libraries.
sudo rtr-mid
You should see something like this after you run:
You can find out more information on our wiki
3Step 3
Attaching a Sensor
In order to attach a sensor, motor, camera or other component to the Redtree Hydra, the FPGA inside must be programmed. We know that this is normally a tricky task, so we created a tool to simplify it. The Redtree Hydra has four I/O cards, each of which can be connected to devices. Our web tool lets you configure what is attached to each I/O card so that it will work with the Redtree Hydra API. The tool is located at: http://www.redtreerobotics.com/fpga (coming soon).
Digital or Analog I/O
The first step is to select whether the I/O card in each slot is digital or analog (right now we do not support mixed cards - but we do support a mixture of analog and digital cards).
If the card is analog, the next step is to specify the number of pins that will be used. Typically this will be 16 or 32 bit, but any number may be selected up to 32 bits.
If the card is digital, the next step is to specify the types of interfaces connected to the card. At the current time, we support IIC, UART, SPI, PWM and general purpose Digital. As interfaces are clicked, they are added to the pinout diagram which you should use when connecting the components to the Redtree Hydra.
Repeat for Remaining I/O Cards
Additional cards can be configured at this time by changing the slot and repeating the previous steps.
Finish and Program the FPGA
When you click finish, the tool will automatically generate the files to program the FPGA when the Redtree Hydra is booted. Take the SDcard out of the Redtree Hydra and insert it into your computer. The two files 'boot.bin' and 'system_wrapper.bit' should be moved to the SDcard. The SDcard can then be ejected and re-inserted into the Redtree Hydra.
The last step is to connect together all the motors, sensors, cameras and all the other components and start up the Redtree Hydra. You can now begin programming with C/C++ and the Redtree Hydra API and interacting with the components.
You can find out more information on our wiki
4Step 4
Share a Sensor
If you want to see a complete example of sharing the sensor, check out the share a sensor app:
svn co http://www.redtreerobotics.com/svn/redtree-apps/trunk/ redtree-apps cd redtree-apps/share_a_sensor
or if you prefer git:
git clone https://github.com/redtreerobotics/redtree-apps.git cd redtree-apps/share_a_sensor
As you can see in the example, there are two sides to this type of code, one is the robot sharing the sensor, and the other is the robot receiving the updates. Another possibility is the robot is sharing the sensor, and your computer is the other "robot" system receiving the updates.
Compared to the Hello Robot example, there are two files in this app. The data_source.cpp code is for the robot sharing the tag. The data_sink.cpp code is for the robot or device receiving the tag updates.
Data Source
The main thing that this code does, is it generates a different random number every second between 0 and 100. As soon as a tag data type is created, it is placed into the tag database and it becomes available locally to other robots (it does not share it automatically to the cloud, however). Tag data types include m_tag, m_num, m_blob and others. To compile this code, enter the following:
make data_source
And run it with the usual:
sudo rtr-mid
#include <rtr.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; void configure(void) {} void initialize(void) {} void setup(void) {} void start(void) {} class data_source : public m_device { public: using m_device::m_device; m_num<int> SomeNumber{this, "SomeNumber"}; //generates a new random tag value every second between 0 and 100 m_worker<void,void> generator_task{this, "generator_task", [&](){ cout << "Generating number change: " << SomeNumber() << endl; //we use the () at the end of the tag to turn the tag into its atomic value //instead of a tag object SomeNumber() = drand48()*100; }}; void initialize(void) { //set the random number generator task to fire every second when //the data_source module is Started generator_task.run_every_when(1000000, Started); } void start(void) { //start the module Started = true; } }; data_source generator{"generator"};
The only other important thing to note with this example, is how network tags are named. Since the tag exists in the "generator" module, it is named as follows: "generator.SomeNumber". This is what you will need to look for in the data sink side of the code to see how to request this tag.
Here's the output from this module:
Data Sink
To compile this code, enter the following:
make data_sink
And run it with the usual:
sudo rtr-mid
The key to this code is the "get_tag_broadcast" function. This function returns a vector of all the m_tags that have the name specified. It also have a timeout value in seconds. After the specified number of seconds expires, all of the values will be returned. Note, m_tag is the parent type of all tags, so this is why a dynamic cast must be done in order to get the value of the tag. Depending on if the tag is an integer, floating point, etc. this function can handle all types. Note - if there are more than one robots that have the same tag, you will receive updates from all the robots. Currently, there is not a way to sort or filter based on a specific robot name, but that will be coming very soon.
#include <rtr.h> #include <rt_types.h> #include <rt_ddb_user.h> #include <iostream> using namespace std; class data_sink : public m_device { public: using m_device::m_device; void configure(void){} void initialize(void); void setup(void){} void start(void){Started = true;}; private: void main(); m_worker<void, void> data_sink_main{this, "data_sink_main", std::bind(&data_sink::main, this)}; }; void data_sink::main() { unsigned int i; vector<m_tag *> tags = get_tag_broadcast("generator.SomeNumber", 1); for(i = 0; i < tags.size(); i++) { m_tag * t = tags.at(i); m_num<int> *nt = dynamic_cast<m_num<int>*>(t); if(nt != NULL) { int val = *nt; cout << nt->name << ":" << val << endl; } } } void data_sink::initialize() { data_sink_main.run_when(Started); } data_sink receiver{"receiver"}; void configure(void){}; void initialize(void){}; void setup(void){}; void start(void){};
To further explain this example, the initialize function says that when the module is loaded, the data_sink::main() function should run. It will run over and over again in a loop as long as Started == true. So essentially it continues to request the tag value over and over again.
Here's the output from this module:
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