
FabScan Pi - 3D Laser Scanner

FabScan PI is a Stand-Alone Web-Enabled Raspberry Pi based Open-Source 3D Laser Scanner

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FabScan Pi is the next generation of the famous open-source, do-it-yourself 3D laser scanner. You can find more information about the old FabScan setup at:

The old FabScan project started out as a Bachelor's thesis by Francis Engelmann in 2010. In 2014, development was taken over by Mario Lukas and the FabScanPi project was created.

Why a new FabScan version:

One of the goals of the new software and hardware design was to keep things simpler and more affordable. The most important improvement was to make the FabScan a platform independent stand-alone device. This is why i decided to use a Raspberry Pi as base and a web interface was made for scanning. This enables the user to use the FabScanPi with nearby every device which has a web browser installed.

Another idea was to make the software more friendly for less skilled programmers. So the software was split up into two parts, a JavaScript based ui and a Python based backend server.

FabScanPi is the ideal project for 3D scanning hobbyists, enthusiasts and also education.

You can find more detailed information at

Article about an early prototype version of FabScan Pi at MagPi


Python was chosen as programming language for the backend, because with the usage of Python there is no need for a complicated compiler toolchain.

The web interface is written in Javascript using WebGL. Backend and Frontend are communicating through a web socket and REST API. This software design enables even beginners to work on the software.

Software usage video:


FabScan PI2 uses a Raspberry PI2 with the PI camera module as base system. Additionally a 12 LED ring is added make environment lighting control easier. With this combination the scan results can be drastically increased. The new designed FabScanPi HAT for the Raspberry Pi provides place for up to 3 stepper motor drivers, two laser connectors and at least 2 servo connectors. A safety plug on board can be used to turn the laser off when the lid of the scanner is opened.

All electronic parts are mounted in a plywood case.

FabScan PI hardware assembly video:

FabScan Pi electronics assembly video:

Some screenshots of the Web-Enabled FabScanPi User Interface:

Some scan results:

Laser Cut Parts can be found at:

Hardware Schematics for the FabScanPi HAT can be found at:

FabScanPi Software Source:

Latest ready to use images:

  • 1 × Raspberry Pi 2 or 3
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi Cam v1 or v3
  • 1 × FabScanPi HAT ( or Arduino compatible board with motor shield)
  • 1 × 1 red line laser module
  • 1 × Stepper motor

View all 17 components

View all 21 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    Assemble the Hardware like described in the video. Afterwards download the latest FabScanPi Raspbian Image ( from and flash it to the SD-Card.

  • 2
    Step 2

    Insert the SD-Card to your Pi. Then connect your FabScanPi to your local network (router or switch) and also connect the 12V power supply.

  • 3
    Step 3

    After the Pi is booted you can point your browser to

    http://[ ip-address-of-your-raspberry-pi ]

    Hint: If you have zeroconf compatible Laptop or Tablet ( e.g. Apple's Bonjour) you can find your FabScan Pi setup by pointing your browser to http://fabscanpi.local

    Happy scanning!

View all 4 instructions

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ekaggrat singh kalsi wrote 10/10/2016 at 02:23 point

super cool project , i have been following the fabscan for quiet a while and have built a linear scanner around 8 years back . Is there anyplace i can find sample scan models just to compare quality? great work by far i must say

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Mario Lukas wrote 10/10/2016 at 08:08 point

Thank you. I will add some sample scans to the doc page this week. 

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Mario Lukas wrote 03/30/2017 at 09:37 point - there is an example page now

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Films4You wrote 06/20/2015 at 07:03 point

Incredibly low-cost line lasers for 3D scanning (does not show it all, looks partly complete? but may give you ideas

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Films4You wrote 06/20/2015 at 07:02 point

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