
Looking for a Beta Tester

A project log for Modular Continuous Track System

A inexpensive modular tank track system that can be used for robotic and radio controlled vehicles.

jupdykejupdyke 07/23/2015 at 01:111 Comment

I was curious is anyone out there is currently building a tracked robot and would be interested in being a beta tester of sorts. I would be willing to make a set of tracks for someone's robot at cost, if they were willing to put it on their robot and allow me to use it for demonstration and learning purposes.

Send me a message if your interested and we can work out the details.



Vegard Paulsen wrote 08/10/2015 at 14:16 point

Hi! I think the modular track project look very interesting. I have also been searching for good rubber tracks for robots forever without finding any proper solutions that doesnt cost a billion, have you found any betatesters yet? I am located in Norway. Where are you located?

-Vegard Paulsen

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