this would not work without chalk spray, which is available from ebay for around 2-5€. i bought three different brands, all use the same can, so the spray container will fit most. it also doesn't matter if the spraycan sprays to the top or to the side, just flip the printer accordingly.
the spray can container is made from lasercut wood, with a few acrylic parts thrown in because of mechanical stresses. the actuators for the spraycan are obviously solenoids (readily available from ebay all over the world). the control of each solenoid happens thru a non-exotic mosfet, an very commonly available optocoupler and an arduino.
the only part you may have to design yourself is the wheel encoder. in my case it's 3d printed and will probably only fit my dog trailer. its made from a turn encoder (like those used in reprap ultipanels) and a ball bearing (had 8/4 laying around). use your imagination, even a button with a long lever positioned near the spokes may suffice.
this project can be routed, laser cut or hand build.