
Open Source Kinect stand-alone 3D Scanner

The idea behind this project is to provide an open-source stand-alone
Kinect and Raspberry Pi2 based 3D Scanner.

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The idea behind this project is a low-cost Mobile Raspberry Pi2 and Kinect based 3D Scanner.

Use cases:

- saving/archiving cultural heritage
- medical applications

  • 1 × Microsoft Kinect
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi2
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi Display
  • 1 × Battery Pack
  • 1 × SD-Card

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Thomas wrote 07/16/2019 at 07:08 point

are you still working on this project.... 

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Thomas wrote 06/27/2019 at 19:32 point

any progress..... I have all parts and are willing to test code for you

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canko1 wrote 06/04/2018 at 10:14 point

hello I love your project I would like to know which 

material did you use and Could you send me more information?

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Francisco Machado wrote 09/01/2016 at 00:35 point

Hi, I was very interested in your project and I would like to know if you could send me more information so I can prepare a clone here and I try to understand the operation.

I'm from Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. And I'm actually a fan of 3D printing and 3D scanning. 


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Martin Vincent Bloedorn wrote 02/27/2016 at 12:48 point

Hello! Quick question - how did you mount the Kinect to the printed handle? Did you glue it? The four holes on the bottom don't seem to be threaded. Thanks! 

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Albert Latham wrote 06/30/2015 at 12:26 point

Depending on the resolution/distance this thing is capable of you need to add reverse engineering to the list of uses.

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antonio fazzolari wrote 06/29/2015 at 09:45 point

The problem is not to get a single depthmap from kinect to a radpberry pi running raspbian. The real problem is to glue toghether all depthmaps in the right way. Usually a statistical filter called iterative closest point is used, but is extremely computationally expensive. PCL developers run it on a cuda graphical card, apple on high end tablets. I instead tried to use readings from inertial measuring devices, but the hand moving is too impredictable to be properly integrated, so I see no easy solution to this problem.

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Mario Lukas wrote 06/29/2015 at 10:11 point

That's right. This first video was just a test to get an idea how fast the libfreenect drivers work on a Raspberry Pi. I think a realtime point cloud registration is not possible on a Raspberry Pi. Even not on a Raspberry Pi2. But i am working on another solution.  I i'll try to show more results soon. 

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Albert Latham wrote 06/30/2015 at 12:30 point

Would you consider realtime 3D photogrametry using a camera to watch the scanner in motion? You would be able to detect orientation and position with significant accuracy with the cost of complexity and time. What I envision would happen is the user would set up the "base station" camera pointing at the object of interest and then proceed to scan whatever object using the hand-held system. You might even be able to chain multiple base stations together in order to increase accuracy and coverage area?

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Films4You wrote 06/17/2015 at 08:04 point

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Mario Lukas wrote 06/17/2015 at 08:21 point

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thygate wrote 06/12/2015 at 17:22 point

It seems there is no need to step up to 12V.



You’ll note that R4 is circled. That sets the UVLO for the 12V input,
which is regulated down to 3.3V before anything uses it. The 3.3V buck
regulator (a ST L6728) is capable of operating from 5V, but there’s an
external UVLO that prevents operation at that voltage. Simply add a 4.7k
resistor in parallel with R4 and the Kinect will operate from a 5V
supply. Current draw is about 700-800mA.

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Mario Lukas wrote 06/12/2015 at 18:24 point

Thank you for that suggestion, very useful. I will give it a try!

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Ruud Kuiper wrote 06/12/2015 at 10:10 point

I have a friend who is also an archaeologist and works on a computer program to document dig sites and significant finds. this would probably help a lot in that process. ill follow your progress closely. good luck.

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Mario Lukas wrote 06/12/2015 at 11:26 point

Thanks! One of the biggest problems those people have is funding. Professional equipment is very expensive. I hope that at least my work can help a little bit.

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Ruud Kuiper wrote 06/12/2015 at 11:35 point

how easy would it be to just walk by significant finds scan them and just edit a little and add them as 3d models to th finding location. :)

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Benchoff wrote 06/10/2015 at 18:43 point

You're going to want to do a really good writeup on this one. I've been waiting for someone to figure out how to make the Kinect into a 3D scanning gun. The only stuff i can find uses gumstix boards and generally looks terrible.

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Mario Lukas wrote 06/10/2015 at 19:20 point

I am highly motivated to get it running. My girlfriend works as an archaeologist and they really need stuff like this.

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ntrewartha wrote 06/16/2015 at 10:32 point

Why not Kickstart this project - it look like a winner if you can get it up and running. I am certainly very interested in building one!

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Mario Lukas wrote 06/16/2015 at 10:42 point

Thank you for your suggestion. but I am not a fan of kickstarting a project until the prototype does not work 100%. When i have finished the software and i can show the first 3D scans i will think about starting a kickstarter campaign.

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Mario Lukas wrote 06/08/2015 at 16:15 point

That is the kinect one for xbox 360 with usb adapter.

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Niels v/d Spek wrote 06/19/2015 at 12:17 point

Hello Mario, nice project i have been looking at your project and want to use the kinect for a R2-D2 clone. The only thing here is those long cables that are used on it. How did you handle that?

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Joseph Lavoie wrote 06/08/2015 at 15:25 point

Is that a kinect  xbox 360?

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