1Step 1
The best instructions that have been kept up to date are here https://github.com/n0bel/PiClock/blob/master/Documentation/Overview.md
The best instructions that have been kept up to date are here https://github.com/n0bel/PiClock/blob/master/Documentation/Overview.md
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Love this project even if I did come along late. I am having problems naming my indoor and outdoor sensors. They are shown on clock screen as 0300a27949c8 and 0300a279e605. If I place these numbers in PiClock/Temperature/TempNames.py nothing changes, it just displays the same 2 numbers. I am sure it's something simple but not sure what.
# these are the IDs of the DS18B20's
# and their corresponding names displayed on the clock
sensornames = {
'0300a279e605': 'Inside',
'0300a27949c8': 'Outside',
Thanks for any input.
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Hey Kevin,
I'm having some trouble with cron, it won't work for neither the launch on boot or the change config.
I've done some research and have no idea how to fix it, any tips??
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Nice job. Took a bit of time to decrypt some stuff, and I'm sure if I bothered to look on GitHub I'd have found your documentation to make my life easier, but I'm a glutton for punishment.
My job requires spot on clocks for television production. Unfortunately if you purchase a system that can do this, they cost a fortune and are locked down to their proprietary methods of use.
With the inexpensive nature of the Raspberry Pi and with LCD monitors being inexpensive, we can put up a clock system that costs very little, but does very much.
I'll dig into GitHub for the documentation soon. Thanks for a great project. Had it up and running in like 3 hours, and that's with screwing it up so bad I had to re-install!
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Has anyone had any problem running PiClock using wifi connection and the Raspberry Pi 3B+ ? I have on every occasion when I run the application on wifi I cannot get any weather info or NOAA broadcast. When I close out using the F4 key and try to shut down my system, it never fully closes. However, as soon as I connect using the ethernet connect all is well, the weather info downloads and I can get the NOAA broadcast and when I exit with F4 I can safely shutdown the Pi. It just seems strange to me I have tried several different Pi's and always the same problem. Thanks for any help on this delima.
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I generally have no issues with any Pi with built in wifi. I've used them all.
I have seen that they have problems with distance/sensitivity, especially streaming data.
On *rare* occasions I've heard of router/wifi incompatibility issues, but I've never experienced that myself.
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Thanks Kevin for the reply, I have tried all your suggestions, even a different router and have relocated the pi to another room. For now I will use the ethernet cable until maybe I can figure something out.
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On the PiClock Hardware Guide regarding the GPIO pins and switches mentions:
GPIO23 (header pin 16) is mapped to a space (which flips pages on the clock.
GPIO24 (header pin 18) is mapped to F2 (which toggles the NOAA stream)
GPIO25 (header pin 22) is mapped to UP (which does nothing yet)
A convinient ground is on header pin 20.
How can I map the GPIO25 to act the same as F4 on the keyboard to exit PiClock?
I have the first two pins acting as space key and F2 to start the NOAA broadcast, but would like to be able to exit the PiClock.
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In 'startup.sh', you'll see a like that says:
sudo Button/gpio-keys 23:KEY_SPACE 24:KEY_F2 25:KEY_UP &
So 25:KEY_F4 would do the trick
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Thanks Kevin, I actually did that after I sent the message, I just thought that the answer would be deep in some code. Thanks again for updating this project to eliminate WU. I had been paying them $20 a month to keep using the API, then this month I received a message from them that they were no longer accepting my payment. I love the PiClock and use it daily.
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I'm wanting to stop displaying the radar maps and have commented out that entire section in the Config.py file. However, when I attempt to restart the program, I get the window that the clock is starting, however nothing happens after that. Am I missing a step? Any advise would be great. Thank you.
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Were there ever a solution to the WU api key? Hoping to be able to finish this project and enjoy it. Thanks
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I'm also going through trying to figure out a workaround for the WU api key. Awesome that you've provided all the info for this, but I don't think it should be required to get the API keys for using the "clock only" mode.
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Well it looks like Weather Underground has stopped providing free API keys and wants to be emailed so they can email the price.
I haven't emailed them, the process already sounds expensive to me.... any suggestions on now what - alternate to Weather Underground, etc...
~Thanks in advance
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ive not used the external temp sensors yet as waiting for them so left that part out for now, but followed instructions to the letter and it works perfect :) thank you for this write up :)
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in my piclock i dont see the weather map but only the google map
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I did one of these for my brother but he keeps getting e-mails about using too much data from Google Maps. Even though the clock is only rebooting once per day. I tried getting Google Maps api key but then the maps stopped loading all together... I there somehow to make it stop loading maps?
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This was my first project since getting my raspberry pi yesterday and it worked flawlessly. Thanks so much!
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Hello Kevin- Great project! I have a small problem though. The clock displays fine and the maps are there but the current weather in the upper left, and the daily forecasts on the right side do not display. I got an API key and installed it. Also changed the lat and lon for my locale. Also the display info on the bottom does not show. Any clues as to what I am doing wrong? Or not doing? thanks
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Thanks Kevin for your help. Still having a little trouble with the NOAA mp3 url. I find my location but was not sure what url to enter into the config file. I found this information:
TexasFort Worth 162.550 Wildwood Weather Decatur Texas
Do I copy the data-path that ends in .mp3 into the config file, if so where does it go?
Also can I change the location of where the local temp is displayed? I am using a Raspberry pi 7 inch display and the temp displays at the bottom of the clock dial and is a little obscured.
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It goes into the config file:
noaastream = 'http://wxradio.dyndns.org:8000/DFW.mp3'
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Kevin thanks for your info, I had the right file in the right place but just forgot to read carefully the instructions that said that I must push F2,duh!
Thanks again
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The temperature location is set in PyQtPiClock.py on line 1110:
temp.setGeometry(0, height - 100, width, 50)
height - 100 means 100 pixels above the bottom.
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Thanks for your help, I had looked all over that file but just couldn't decide which line would change the temp. Great project.
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Sorry for the delay in responding. It seems I was not getting any notifications from comments added to this instruction section of the project. Today I received one, and saw there was a back log. Hopefully by now you've all solved the issues you've had. I've replied to all of the questions now.
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Like you project, just a couple of quick questions . First I understand that NOAA is doing away with the Weather Radio link for this project. Also when my Rqdar displays I do see any background (landscape, etc., how can I change this to display the landscape background and possible connect to a different weather radio channel.
PS I am running the temperature sensor and am waiting for my remote control to arrive.
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NOAA weather radio streams have reappeared on the net. You can find it here: http://noaaweatherradio.org/
They don't put the .mp3 urls where they are easily accessable, so you
need to use your browser to "View Page Source" in order to find the
proper .mp3 url.
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Most issues with the google maps background is because the google maps api key is not activated or entered correctly. A google maps API key is not required, just make it an empty string
# Google Maps API key
googleapi = '' # Empty string, optional -- with PiClock, you'll be ok
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LOVE THE PROJECT!!! and more over the wife loves it now need to ask how can change the times at the bottom for the sunrise and all to 12hr fotmat rather then 24??
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You would need to change the code around line 228 of PyQtPiClock.py As you see, the code simply pulls the information from the WU json data. You'd need to convert it, then display it.
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Hi - I'm running into an issue with my DS18B20 temperature sensor where it's reading about 25 degrees high. I'm taking the lazy way out because I don't want to tear down my build, so I adjusted the formula in the python script that converts the reading to Fahrenheit. When I run the python script directly in a terminal, it reads out how I want. I have even tweaked the the python file PyQtPiClock.py to adjust the conversion. However, the temperature being displayed on the monitor is showing the non-adjusted read out. Where is the temperature being pulled from so I can adjust the correct file? Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
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The temperatures are read in the tempserver.py file. I can think of no reason the reading would be wrong. I would investigate by searching for raspberry pi DS18b20, and using a simple example python script to see what might be going on. I can't imagine a bad sensor would do this. It must be something on the setup.
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Hi - Thanks for this, love it. Couple of things: 1) WU is having issues with their radio feeds and may discontinue them, 2) The satellite images in PiClock don't match what's on WU's site. Mostly it appears to be coloring of the image. In PiClock, it s hows green around us for rain, but it's 20 degrees and the snow if falling at 2" an hour right now. It shows up fine on WU's site though.
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NOAA weather radio streams have reappeared on the net. You can find it here: http://noaaweatherradio.org/
They don't put the .mp3 urls where they are easily accessable, so you
need to use your browser to "View Page Source" in order to find the
proper .mp3 url.
I can't really control what WU presents for data within their api. I know that some areas of the world, the radar doesn't work at all. They have an option for satellite images so I added that option in that case. I've not seen those be incorrect, but who knows.
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