A basic Arduino nano based portable device, having portable power, a basic display and circuitry to measure voltage, current, pulses, test components (Resistors, Capacitors, Transistors and more) and also be able to serve as a Serial Terminal and MORE.
Planned Features
Handheld form factor - credit card/gameboy/mobile phone sized
Arduino based
Input Push Buttons - 6 to 10 buttons via 1 single ADC pin
Nokia Graphics LCD - Mono, Mobile LCD for Display
Voltage Input - 0 to 50V or possibly, -50 to 50V Voltmeter (2x)
Current Input - 0 to 500mA or even possibly 1A Ammeter (FUSED)
Serial Terminal - Show incoming Serial data on screen (adjustable/auto baudrate)
Sqaure Wave Generator - basic clock generator, upto 1MHz with adjustable Duty Cycle
Pulse Counter - Basic Pulse stats - Freq, Duty Cycle, etc
Component Tester - a variant of the SemiConductor Tester
Battery Powered - Chargeable via USB
Serial Connection with PC - A basic data acquisition app on PC Side - Windows/Linux
Arduino Nano CH340
one little board which has USB to Serial and Controller and everything and stuff. from aliexpress
Nokia Mobile LCD
SPI or I2C cheap LCD from aliexpress
for signal Conditioning
Resistors Capacitors and stuff
for the circuitry...
So, we were able to do this last month but posting a log here, need much motivation for it.
First off, images.
This is the same semiconductor tester as has been shown before on hackaday and lot of other places, the German version, we had problems porting the code so we removed all previous code and started with a new repo just to test and check this out and get this done - now what remains is to get this working alongwith the other things.
We have noticed that now we are on the brink of using up ALL the memory and RAM that the AVR ATMega328 has, we are also looking at Teensy for a better and more powerful replacement as the main controller.
So we started with implementing a basic voltmeter on the device.
Get ADC -- > Convert to Voltage --> Display on Screen
After being satisfied that it works we started on to adding circuitry for making voltage measurements of a bigger range (0 to 55V)
The device shows the 2 voltage readings in big fonts and the resolution (number of digits after decimal) changes to 1 digit when the voltage is higher than the 9.99 volts.
Also the Square Wave Generator also works, the device can output a square wave of any frequency upto 1MHz and with varying duty cycle.
I like it a lot. I have been seriously considering a shield for a FriendlyARM Mini210SBE and the 4.3 inch LCD and do transistor load curves and the works. Pick bias resitrs for you and all kinds of cool stuff. Then start adding scope functions. The board runs Debian and one could make a database of components with full parameters if there were a way to keep them sorted.
yeah, unfortunetelly you cannot do the oscilloscope thing on arduino, unless you use external ADC which complicates things a bit too much. Unless you jump for the new zero.
yes, not going for an oscilloscope, but we are thinking of showing some stats of the signal being measured - like frequency, duty cycle, average value (already shown), and peak-to-peak voltage etc.
Please, I would like a copy of the schematics if possible. My e-mail is halilcetin54@gmail.com