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Waterproof Enclosure
Something that fits your batteries and a bit of space for the components. I use Kathmandu Micro Dry Case (http://www.kathmandu.co.nz/dry-case-micro-yellow.html))
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Teensy 3.0/3.1
PJRC Teensy 3.0 or 3.1 board (http://www.pjrc.com/store/teensy31.html)
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32.768 kHz Watch Crystal
Watch crystal for the Teensy's real time clock
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Li-ion/Lipo Battery
The bigger the better, and a battery holder if needed. I use two 26650 "5000mAh" Trustfire cells. But any 3.7v rechargeable will do., like the 6000mAh pack from Adafruit.
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Waterproof DS18B20 Digital temperature sensor
There's plenty of rubbish versions of these - find one from a reputable seller (eg http://www.adafruit.com/products/381)
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Sim800L GSM module on breakout board
In New Zealand the Sim800L will work on Vodafone and 2Degrees mobile networks. Make sure you get a breakout with the Power Key broken out. I use one from AND Technologies (http://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/Free-shipping-SIM800L-GPRS-Module-with-PCB-Antenna-Automatic-Micro-SIM-Card-SIM800L-breakout-board/605000_32246510568.html)
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uflex GSM Antenna
This may come free with your GSM module
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GSM Sim Card
A Sim card with data. One update every 15 minutes will used about 2MB a month, basically nothing,, so a cheap pre pay sim is perfect
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4.7K Resistor
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5.6K Resistor
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1K Resistor
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100R Resistor