Sound Dampening Panels
Sound is an issue with any workshop, power tools are cool but make lots of noise. My workshop has the added benefits of being in a garage, close to neighbors and harboring a CNC table. My primary concerns are the air compressor, shop vacuum and the CNC router table since it will run patterns that could easily run 30 minutes, an hour or more. Luckily, I am designing a cabinet to hold the vacuum, compressor and most importantly the CNC table for both dust and sound control. The empty pockets created in my 2x4 frame design will create great places for sound dampening panels.
Poor Man's Mach3 Pendant
Most CNC setups I have seen have an easy to use hand-held controller called a pendant. Some DIY pendants use video game joysticks that don't look very professional, cost money if you don't have one laying around and take some extra effort to setup with lightly documented unsupported software packages. Buying a professional 3rd party pendant is definitely an option, there are some very nice options out there but I couldn't justify spending $100, $200 or even $500 for a premium pendant, not for my needs.
Clamping System
One of the major shortfalls of the X90 is the lack of any type of work holding system. Yes, I could have plopped down $259 for an aluminum T-slot board, but daaaang I'm cheap. Yes, I can do like I've seen others do before and just screw my work in place, but I've done that and was not very happy with the process. Beyond needlessly butchering my spoil board, it took forever.
Cyclone Separator
One thing my experience with CNC used for wood or plastic is that they create a hell of a mess. Since I don't like cleaning up after myself on a regular basis, I will be attaching a vacuum to my CNC to clean up as it goes.