The USB Tester consists of two parts. The USB Tester Base which has the USB connectors and test points for use with your own DMM. Then the backpack which has the OLED display, microcontroller and INA219B for sensing voltage/current. The backpack can be connected to either the USB Tester or VA Tester. Then the Bluetooth Backpack can be connected to either base as well. One note is when the backpack is used with the VA Tester it will need its own power since there is no onboard regulator for the 5V supply.
Firmware Features
- Graph of current - 1.28min of history based on default sample speed
- 100ms sample time (Adjustable in firmware)
- Peaks
- mWh and mAh tracking
- Big Readout Display with Bar Graphs
- JSON for serial communications
Java App - Data Logging/View Realtime Data
- Implemented JSON over serial
- Save as CSV
- Uses temp file for long term logging
- Able to resume unsaved logging
- Graph shows max, avg and min for current and voltage
We’d like to thank Ed for all of his help and contributions. (Created by Ed)
The USB Tester is also supported by which supports other devices and provides view live data and logging via a Chrome application which can run offline.
Stage 2, quarter finals video: Introductions
Stage 3, Semifinals/Best Product video: Improvements
Model of USB Tester Product Look/Feel
This design allows the top and bottom to still be easily seperated while still protecting all electronics. By using a transparent material the LED is still visable though the case.
All the USB Tester firmware and designs are CC-SA-BY-NC. The NC part is
actually only there so that if someone wanted to sell their own version I
would like to be in the loop. Other than that it is open source and
companies are free to use it internally. All sources are on Github for
your viewing pleasure.