
The User friendly Servomotor you hoped existed.

IoT enabled, servo drive with Ethernet. Platform independent, +/- 0.2° accuracy, 0.2 Nm @ 1000 RPM

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The HDrive is an easy to use, all in one servo motor. It can be controlled with just a few lines of code in nearly any programming language. No need for device drivers nor cable adapters, the HDrive can be configured by the build-in web-server.
Just tell the motor what final position you want, the internal motion controller will do the rest for you.

- Closed loop stepper motor (brushless) with field oriented control
- Nominal torque: 0.2 Nm @ 1000 RPM, stall torque 0.5 Nm
- Position accuracy: +/- 0.2° (1 Sigma)
- Communication frequency: up to 2.0 KHz
- Communication Interfaces: Ethernet, PWM (like R/C Servo) and Step/Dir
- Current controlled
- Integrated path planer speed and acceleration configuration

inexperienced or professionals, the HDrive brings a simple start or a deeply configurable control system to run all your applications smoothly and reliable. High dynamics super fast communication and clean design will make this motor to your best friend.


To bring motion into an application a lot knowledge and time was mandatory.

Our smart Servomotors makes it possible to clearly distinguish between the drive and the application. Thus you can fully concentrate in the logic - the HDrive will take over the drivetrain technology for you.

our main benefits are:

  • Easy and fast implementation, no expert knowledge mandatory
  • Directly driven by Ethernet, no cable adapters nor software drivers are mandatory
  • Motor can be controlled with only three lines of Matlab code
  • Very high communication frequency up to 500 Hz. This means you can send a new target position or read out the digital I/O's every two milliseconds
  • Slim design with multiple mounting possibilities


To set a new target position you have to send an XML formatted ticket over an TCP Socket connection:

"<system position=”500″ speed=”100″ torque=”50″>" This will command the motor to go to the position 50.0° with a speed of 100 RPM and a max torque of 0.5Nm.

This command can be send with only a few lines of code in most programming languages. The most simple example would be to open a telnet connection and to send the commands in it.


We decided to program the main GUI into a webpage. This brings many advantages because the only thing you need to see the motor states or to control the whole Motor is a Web browser. The web interface is very responsive. All data received from the Motor are shown in real-time. The data is transferred binary from the Motor to your Desktop within 100Hz.

This is great to tune the motor to find the right PID values for your application. With a mobile device you could stand next to your machine for tuning now.


We started the development four years ago. Since then we have build lots of prototypes and have tested many different motor and amplifier technologies. Now we have chosen to use a stepper motor with a field oriented control. This kind of control combined with an accurate position measurement is turning the stepper in a high end servo drive. Thus the motor is behaving like a normal DC motor - minimized torque ripple and no jerks as seen in conventional steppers do appear.

Company funded

Recently we have funded the company henschel-robotics. Please take a look at our website:

Motor running @ 10'000 RPM, please have a look:

Our last prototype batch has arrived and is running great. The final speed of the motor could be increased to be around +/- 5000 RPM. We think we could reach the 20'000 with about 60V, just for fun.

In the Video you can also see the newest web-interface and a bit of the look and feel of the motor.


Laser projector out of two HDrive17 :)

Graphics Interchange Format - 10.33 MB - 10/02/2017 at 22:41



HDrive Webinterface beta

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 145.01 kB - 03/31/2016 at 19:01


  • 1 × TM4C1294 ARM Cortex M4 Processor with Ethernet PHY

  • PID-T1 Position Control

    Chris09/25/2017 at 17:29 0 comments

    Just implemented a new PID-T1 algorithm for Position control with integrated anti windup what is just working great! New control will be available in next Firmware @October 2017

  • Swiss Robotics Industry Day 2016

    Chris11/06/2016 at 12:43 0 comments

    We participated at the swiss robotics industry day 2016 (

    The exhibition was filled with high tech robotics all around. Our booth was in there and we had a lot of interested people. Especially the argument that you can control the motor with only three lines of matlab code was counting a lot.

    We could advertise the coming crowdfunding and remember a very successful and interesting day in Lausanne, Switzerland.

View all 2 project logs

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Chris wrote 12/21/2016 at 09:01 point

There is more information about the project, please read our press release on Linkedin:

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Chris wrote 12/14/2016 at 11:25 point

Please find our comparison with machadoino and others on our Kickstarter Page:

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Chris wrote 12/10/2016 at 15:36 point

A Happy advent season to all of you :)

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Chris wrote 12/03/2016 at 21:23 point

one more thing:

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Chris wrote 12/03/2016 at 21:22 point

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Chris wrote 12/03/2016 at 21:22 point

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Chris wrote 11/28/2016 at 12:43 point

We also have the easiest platform. For beginners we provide a rich web interface from where you can control the motor directly you do not need anything else. For programmers you can command our motor very easily due to the use of  TCP/IP and XML Tickets. Our 6 DOF robot arm for example is programmed in c#.

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Chris wrote 11/28/2016 at 12:38 point

Hi. No we don't have a comparison between Machaduino and Moti. But we have the features of both platforms. Our approach is to build an industrial grade servo drive with an accurate position control. To fulfill that we developed a field oriented control for our stepper.

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PointyOintment wrote 11/28/2016 at 04:02 point

Do you have a comparison with Mechaduino, Moti, etc.?

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Chris wrote 11/24/2016 at 21:13 point

6 HDrives working sync out of a C# application

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Chris wrote 11/22/2016 at 12:39 point

After a few years of development we recently began our CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN :).

Join our community to build the world’s first fully integrated IoT Motor and benefit from great introductory discounts.

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Chris wrote 11/06/2016 at 12:34 point

The Countdown has
started. Coming Thursday we will open our Crowdfunding project. Please
help us to industrialize the HDrive. Stay tuned on

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Chris wrote 05/26/2016 at 07:11 point

Hi Galane,

Thanks for your message. We have had an look at the patents from  MOOG and we do not think to harm any of them. Further more there are expired patents describing stepper motors with integrated electronics already.

It would be interesting to know where you see a conflict?



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Galane wrote 05/14/2016 at 22:39 point

Be wary of possible patent infringements with MOOG Animatics SmartMotor servos.

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Chris wrote 03/31/2016 at 19:19 point

Meanwhile we are waiting for the PCBs we decided to concentrate on the GUI. We have not found anything suitable to plot real-time data into a graph what could handle an update
rate of 100Hz and more without flickering. Therefore we decided to program our
own graph based on WebGL. This WebGL is very performant and allows nice visual effects.

See our publication on GitHub (, or you can have a look at our tutorial (

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Chris wrote 02/18/2016 at 20:46 point

Thanks for following us. The project is ongoing, we are doing good progress and are waiting for our next hardware revision.  Meanwhile we are developing Mockups to show the capabilities of our HDrive.

Please stay tuned, we will have something great to show soon.

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anthony.webb wrote 01/30/2016 at 18:14 point

I have been searching for a great motor to pair with my PNP project, you think yours would work?

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Chris wrote 01/30/2016 at 22:33 point


And they could help to increase the PNP speed of your amazing project. Our steppers are running up to 10'000RPM @ laboratory an will run about +/- 2'000 RPM in the final product. They are also current controlled, thus they follow a strict acceleration and deceleration ramp (could be useful to not loos parts when accelerating in your application).

Please stay tuned, we are working very hard to industrialize our HDrive without any quality losses.

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anthony.webb wrote 01/30/2016 at 22:38 point

man, how do I get a hold of a couple? I have been exploring using the larger nema23 from clearpath (servo) instead but the are so bulky for my needs. If you have something in a nema17 form factor I could simply do a swap. I'm trying to create something really special and your motors could be the icing on the cake to make something really amazing. 

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anthony.webb wrote 02/17/2016 at 21:14 point

How are things coming Chris?

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anthony.webb wrote 03/31/2016 at 17:33 point

Really would like to try these on my PNP, how is it looking?

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Chris wrote 03/31/2016 at 20:44 point

It's looking good, we have ordered 50 PCBs from SeeedStudio (China) about
3 weeks ago. This should be the last prototype before the A-model. These
prototypes will be driven to their absolute edge for testing and to define the
data sheet.  Meanwhile we are working on our 6 DOF robot to show
the motors in action and to proof real-time capabilities.

The A-Model then will be further developed for mass production with money
from a crowd-funding campaign this summer.

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Chris wrote 07/24/2015 at 12:45 point

We are very close to the release of our first commercially available batch! The industrialization process is not completed yet.  We still have some detail work to do like handy applications where we can show the full functionality of the motor. What is an OSS product?

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Matt wrote 07/24/2015 at 21:00 point

sorry - open source

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Chris wrote 07/24/2015 at 21:23 point

No, we are still dicsussing internaly what should go open source :)

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eric.wegert wrote 07/29/2015 at 21:48 point

OSS is "Open Source Software" .. However, in this case "OSH" (or Open Source Hardware) would be the more applicable term, as in "is the design open sourced and available for consumption?" ..

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Matt wrote 07/31/2015 at 00:21 point

Force of habit with me saying OSS :) Shame it isn't open though.

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Jack Laidlaw wrote 07/30/2015 at 15:53 point

Do you have a ballpark figure?

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Chris wrote 08/13/2015 at 18:21 point

We will start the business with a indiegogo crowd funding campaign in the early autumn. You will have the chance there to grab a HDrive to a very low introduction price.  thats all I can tell you at the moment :)

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Matt wrote 07/24/2015 at 10:51 point

Hey, just curious, is this an OSS product? It looks like on your website that it is already completed, where abouts are you at with it? It looks awesome though!

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