ESP8266 Software
glowy cubes (ws2812b) made from frosted acrylic with web service to easily find it on your network.
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ESP8266 Software
such a nice mockup
behind the scenes - routed cabling slots
manual rework (not getting it right on the cnc mill is a good opportunity to use the manual router)
so much win:
mounted on white painted wooden plates gives a completely different look from the first installation.
some tests before our first wifi controllable led lamp installation.
Better drilling with Festool ... and Nadka.
looking good - notice the breadboard glued to the ceiling ... with the esp and ams1117 (5.5 -> 3.3V) regulator.
ws2812b on pcb for hassle free soldering.
4 pin connectors for +- 5V, signal and signal loop through if necessary for some setup.
Connectors should be protected against polarity reversal- otherwise I will always short sth.
helper (soldering) fairy
esp8266 breadboard test
Acrifix (applied with a q-tip) works really good gluing the notched pieces.
Hot glue if you want to get it open ever again (here: top for access).
Gluing tool (perpendicularity)
some more gluing
first harvest:
First you have to design the lamp - in our case square boxes. Boxmaker to the rescue - or at least to jump start the notched boxes.
Some draft of one of the final lamps.
Then off to buy some acrylic...
... and put it in your hackerspaces' lasercutter (far cheaper than having the acrylic guy do it).
good material planning:
we went to a local acrylic shop and asked for samples we liked without illumination.
then the selection followed
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