Simon Stalenhag is a great artist ( ). Riksenergi is the company responsible for the loop, but there is another fictional company in the "the loop" universe: Krafta:
I am too lazy to cut out all the letters of "Krafta - forskining & utveckling" (Krafta R&D) so I went for "Krafta systems". Inspired by the pictures above, the following stencil evolved, this time including alignment marks and a dark border to cut along:
Todo: Print, cut out, try out. I plan to try out 1mm thick PVC foil as stencil material, supported by copper wire.
This time I tried out rel. soft 0.5mm PVC foil, as paper soaks the paint and bends, PVC foil *should* not bend:
Alignment marks, covered by masking tape to not paint them on the surface:
First result:
The isles in the letters are mounted by copper wire. The copper wire is glued to the PVC foil by plastic glue - and more PVC foil. The wire is bent in multiple dimensions/directions to provide 3D fix:
PVC foil seems to bend when the spray paint dries/expands on top - no ideal result / underspray on some locations. I need one of these nut spiders.
Enough for today, as the paint needs to dry and I need more colors.
Lesson learned: PVC foil works ok-ish. It is much nicer to cut and does not bend as much as paper/cardboard. An even stiffer material would be better. Cardboard soaked with Natriumsilicate?
Out of various reasons, I selected the Futurama Planet Express logo. It is simple enough for a "quick" try, geeky enough to be put on a crate/box and multi-color. Aaand it is available as vector graphic / svg from here: