1Step 1
Connections for Digital Joystick - 14 buttons
2Step 2
Connections for Dual Digital Joystick - 5 buttons
3Step 3
Connections for Six Axis - 12 buttons. Each potentiometer is 100K
4Step 4
Connections for Dual Analog - 7 buttons. Each potentiometer is 100K
5Step 5
Assembling the board:
If you are going to solder the board manually it is recommended to follow the steps below in order:
Start by soldering the USB connector. This is the only tricky part because the contacts are almost hidden under the metal shell of the connector. Solder first the metal shell then solder the pins removing the excess of solder with threaded wire and check for short circuits with the multimeter.
Next, solder the remaining components on the Top layer beginning with those who are closer to the USB connector:
R2, R1, R3, C3, D1, D2, C3, R4, LED, C1, C2.
The last component to be soldered on the Top layer is the Crystal.
Then solder the components on the Bottom Layer, beginning with the microprocessor and then solder C4 and the last component to be soldered is R5
6Step 6
Now solder the wires for ISP connections in order to burn the bootloader and the fuses on the microcontroller.
The connection for 10 pin header is slightly different
And here is the picture of the real deal -
7Step 7
Connections for dual Sega Genesis (6 button)
Detail on the connection of the +5V line
The buttons are mapped as follows:
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Check eBay. I managed to get mine for 70$ shipped. It's been nothing but awesome since. It came with a ton of tips for both the iron and gun, which help immensely with micro-soldering.
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Thanks! I don't deal with SMDs very often so I never bought one, but I'll consider buying one soon, as electronic components are shrinking every day, lol.
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Do you have a heat gun? I've got a relatively cheap solder station that has one built in. With a small tip on it, the gun works amazingly well for small pins like those on the USB.
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I need to buy one of those solder stations someday. They are much cheaper now! My previous experiments with soldering with a regular hot air gun did not went well, luckyly the microcontroller survived though the board wass k.i.a. lol . Either way thank you for the advice!
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