

A project log for A-Hen-Ho

Automation of the hen house. Light, door, temperature tracking. Using Raspberry PI as main unit and Wi-Fi as connection-configuration link.

vikpublicvik.public 11/08/2015 at 12:120 Comments

So. Approximately a week passed by since the last log post. I like to update the project state.

First of all. I did some mechanical stuff with a case.

The top cover was protected agains the dust with a textile glued on the internal surface. 100% syntetical material was chosen to avoid possible decaying.

Then I covered the bottom of the case with a vinyl foil to cover all the holes there. And placed some modules already. On the picture you can see the input power socket, fuse holdes, power supply, Raspberry PI, relay shield installed.

I want to use native case for raspberry pi, while it is a first generation of it and it have no mounting holes on the pcb. so it is quite tricky fix it somewhere. case solves this problem, plus adds additional dust protection. I did a hole in the raspi cover with a Dremel tool to let me lead wires from inside.
