Spectrum of a laser pointer
10/27/2015 at 21:25 • 0 commentsHere is the spectrum of a laser pointer taken with the spinning spectrometer
And here's the same zoomed in a little
So, according to my spectrometer the laser pointer emits at about 690nm and I've got about 10nm resolution.
When I measured the laser pointer in a more professional machine it turned out that my angle-to-wavelenght conversion is a bit off, though: the real wavelength is 653nm.
The resolution remains at 10nm, however, since that's down to my machine (input slit, optics, DVD as grating, etc). And 10nm isn't all that bad for a homemade machine, I'd say :)
Maker Faire Rome 2015
10/18/2015 at 06:36 • 0 commentsFind The Spinning Spectrometer at Maker Faire Rome 2015!
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