1Acquire parts
- Power Glove
- New replacement boards
- Teensy, ESP8266, IMU, battery, FTDI cable or adapter, switch, LED, other parts
- New flex sensors (optional, untested)
2Disassemble Glove
- Remove arm strap
- Open keypad case, screws aside
- Open hand case, screws aside
- Desolder speaker, flex sensors
- Remove and save old electronics
3Make Case Modifications
- Cut hole in bottom main case half
- Cut hole in top main case half
- Shave speaker mount down in top sensor case half
4Assemble & Test Boards
- Solder parts to new boards
- Solder wires to main board for battery connection
- Solder wires and switch to main board for ESP firmware uploading
- Upload firmware to Teensy and ESP, ensuring to remove jumper and switching when necessary
- Ensure keypad is being read by Teensy
- Ensure connectivity between Teensy and ESP
- Ensure WiFi connectivity from ESP
5Prepare Electronics
- Ensure flex sensors functioning properly (as potentiometers) with MM
- Optionally, you may opt to remove these sensors and replace them with new accurate versions. Build instructions for this are not provided, mod at your own risk!
- Mount new boards
- Measure, cut and tin lengths of wires for inter board connection
- Prepare sheathing that will cover the wires connecting the sensor compartment and the main compartment (optional)
- Ensure flex sensors functioning properly (as potentiometers) with MM
6Install Electronics
- Solder inter board connection (on proper side of board)
- Solder flex sensors to sensor board
- Remount new boards, routing battery connector and ESP FW switch through bottom hole
7Test Everything Again
- Ensure keypad is being read by Teensy
- Ensure flex sensors and IMU are being read by Teensy
- Ensure connectivity between Teensy and ESP
- Ensure WiFi connectivity from ESP
8Reassemble Glove
Reassemble with all screws
Mount battery in wrist alcove and fasten down as desired
9Be Awesome
Fly a Parrot AR Drone 2, connect a USB cable to the Teensy and reprogram the glove to act as a MIDI controller, control robots of all shapes and sizes!
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