
Murgen: open source ultrasound imaging

An open-source ultrasound imaging dev kit side project

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Developing an open-source, low-cost technological DIY kit to allow scientists, academics, hackers, makers or OSH fans to hack their way to ultrasound imaging.
This project is not part of echopen

This project, Murgen, has a specific target of providing a technological kit to allow scientists, academics, hackers, makers or OSHW fans to hack their way to ultrasound imaging - below 500$ - at home, with no specific equipment required.

Today, we have achieved the electronic design of the kit and are having it made by a PCB assembly, we have physically tested it with our in house transducer and we're getting images!

To learn more, you can surf here, but you can also explore the internet and :

Disclaimer: though an engineer, this project is the first of its sort, I never did something related. Bear with us, and the discovery process – but I'm happy to learn on the way =)

Disclaimer #2: ultrasound raises questions. In case you build a scanner, use caution and good sense!

Disclaimer #3: This project is not part of echopen.


Nothing is really required here, everything is on github =)

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 898.99 kB - 10/01/2016 at 08:08


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  • 1
    Step 1

    Browse around on the hackaday page, and read the Gitbook to learn more at first

  • 2
    Step 2

    Make/order a pulser module, as well as a analog processing module. Make files are on github.

    In the meanwhile, prepare the motherboard, with a simple stripboard, using the tracks convention.

  • 3
    Step 3

    Prepare the microcontrolers with the code, especially the rapid ADC microcontroler. With an optional oscillo OLED screen if you want. Should look like this:

    Alternatively, use a Beaglebone PRUDAQ to acquire the raw signal.

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standardrate wrote 02/11/2024 at 20:22 point

looking at the software side of things any help please DM

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RohitkananJain wrote 02/02/2019 at 08:08 point

Hey! Interesting project, we usually work on that type of project. May I have one of that kit for practical testing.

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kelu124 wrote 03/25/2019 at 08:45 point

Thanks for your interest !

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kingsoriano16 wrote 09/12/2018 at 20:42 point


I'm at the University of Utah, my area of study is Mechanical Engineering. For my senior project I am tasked to build a Low Cost Ultrasound Probe that connects to android. Our budget is about $500-1000. Its purpose is to be able to sea a needle through skin and apply local anesthetic. I believe our best best is following this dev kit. Will you help guide my team and I;  as I'm sure we will have many questions?

- ben

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kelu124 wrote 01/18/2021 at 18:54 point

Apologies @kingsoriano16 , just saw this message *arf*. How did your project go ?

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jblackwood wrote 01/04/2018 at 18:12 point

Hi, I just received one of these ADCs. I was hoping to test it just using a signal generator to capture the wave forms... any suggestions for how to set up a quick experiment? Any sample / test code would be a great help!

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kelu124 wrote 01/14/2018 at 14:37 point

Hey @jblackwood - you may want to have a look at any microcontroller with DACs. I had used one to mimic so to speak ultrasound signals, information and code is there: .

The result can be seen here using a python script to unpack the data :


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Bartosz wrote 09/26/2017 at 13:06 point

please make a ground radar

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d wrote 09/05/2017 at 16:41 point

I love this. So after spending almost half this year in hospital, having a chronic disease and needing the expert vein pokers with ultrasound (if they have a sec) as UV near IR doesn't work. I have extensive pi/chip,espX, etc experience and am thinking of making a 3d arm mapping a 3d space around the arm with realsense or something else that's USB, combining ROS and then for imaging ultrasound. 

That brings me to your project. How deep can you go for veins etc? I'd like to automate the finding of veins (mapping) with AI/tensorflow for the 3d mapping and then ROS for the poking (with human input). I like your testing method too and need to figure out how to make my own vein like version. 

Is there a way to get some equipment from you when i'm ready? Feel free to email me davidatsyntenydotus

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cren wrote 06/12/2017 at 05:13 point

hi, i am medical doctor who is bit curious about arduino if you needed some info about practicalities lemme know.although i am more of a guy who has experience with the things that happen under the transducer

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kelu124 wrote 07/04/2017 at 06:11 point

Tthanks! It's more of a dev kit for now, with (very) little to bring to the medical side, but I know some people who may need your help!

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BeagleBoard Foundation wrote 09/03/2016 at 04:27 point

Impressive project!

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Arya wrote 06/06/2016 at 19:21 point

Hi! Congrats on winning in the Hackaday Prize! I personally hope this gets accessible so that I can see how much my pancreas are inflamed =)

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Arya wrote 06/06/2016 at 19:27 point

Oh, and you even are using a BitScope - the one I have!

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kelu124 wrote 06/06/2016 at 20:04 point

Hey @Arsenjis , and thanks for the cheers! Glad to read from you, wanna play along? =)

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poorlapin wrote 04/20/2016 at 09:53 point

tu devrais demander des infos aux professeur Patat, il est prof, inventeur en materiel ultrasonic ( il a fonde une boite qui a des brevets et continue d'ameliorer son matos), il est prof en fac de medecine et de pharmacie à Tours. il fait aussi des conference public sur les ultrasons.

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kelu124 wrote 04/20/2016 at 12:11 point

Frédéric Patat ? Noté :) c'est bien toi aussi robert delabitenebois ^^?

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staticdet5 wrote 04/13/2016 at 13:57 point

I'm getting ready to hit send on your HackaDay write up.  I wanted to offer some help/expertise, and even a free bit of kit, if I can find the gear.  I used to teach a couple of ultrasound techniques, and wound up building my own ultrasound phantoms (with incredible success).  I wrote about it a bit on my blog:
If you're reasonably local (I have no idea what the shipping is to where you're working on this), I'll send you some of the extras, or I can even look at building you a phantom and shipping it, if you're close enough.
Thanks for doing this!  If I had an ultrasound in the field...  Well, a lot of pain could be saved, an incredible amount of assurance could be had, and the capability that we could bring to austere environments would dramatically increase.


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kelu124 wrote 04/28/2016 at 09:29 point

Let's make phantoms ! Projet has been created here:

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