1 |
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Raspberry Pi Zero
(Works on A+,B+, and 2, *should* work on zero but is untested)
2 |
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MPU-6050 6 Axis Acclerometer/Gyro
1 |
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HMC5883L Magnetometer
Connectors and Accessories / Board-to-Board and Card Edge Connectors
1 |
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Ublox NEO-6M GPS
1 |
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Bluetooth 4.0 USB
1 |
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2x 18650 Cells + Holder
2 |
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Pebble Smartwatch
1 |
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Blend Micro
1 |
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Peet Bros Anemometer
1 |
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6" long of 2" PVC
Mr. Gibbs Unit Housing
1 |
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2" PVC Cap
Mr. Gibbs Unit Housing
1 |
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2" PVC "Clean out"
Mr. Gibbs Unit Housing
1 |
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12" long of 1.25" PVC
Wind Vane Vane Holder
1 |
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6" long of 3" PVC
Attaches Wind Vane Tube to Mast
1 |
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1.25" PVC Clean out
1 |
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6" Long of 1" PVC
Crows Nest Waterproof Enclosure
2 |
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1" PVC Cap
Crows Nest Waterproof Enclosure Caps
1 |
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RJ-9 Connector
Connects Peet Bros to waterproof Enclosure
1 |
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RJ-9 Female Connector
Female end of Wind Vane connection
1 |
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Crows Nest PCB
1 |
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Mr. Gibbs PCB
1 |
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1 |
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power switch
1 |
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Voltage Regulator
1 |
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Female USB port