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RaspberryPi Compute Module 3 Lite
Used as the core of this game console. Buy it from the shop where you got your RaspberryPi 3B or try it on ebay
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3.2 inch LCD module with DPI
MAKE SURE you got a RGB/DPI interface LCD module because it is a MUST to build this console. I got my LCD from a local e-shop and same module can be found in alibaba. If you buy an alternative LCD module, DO ASK the provider to send you the detailed parameter and initialization code. It is also a wise choice to buy the corresponding connectors from the same shop as there are so many different type of connectors.
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Tact switch with 1.75 mm travel. Search it on your local electronic component shop.
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Some other keys
Use any other tact keys you can get for the START/SELECT/VOL+/VOL- buttons.
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Any 8 ohm, 0.5-1.5 W speaker.
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Some ICs
STM32F103C8T6, IP5306, TDA2822, NC7WZ16, SY8113, PT4103, SP6205-2.5 and etc.
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Some Connectors
USB-Micro Female, PJ-237(phone jack), TF-Card Jack, DDR2 SODIMM and etc.
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Some Passive components
Resistors, Capacitors and Inductors.
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A Custom PCB.
The schematic and PCB files are provided at the end. Remember to make changes to it if you use any alternative parts.
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A 3D Printer OR 3D printing service
Make sure it is able to print parts up to the size 152*66*10 mm.