02/25/2016 at 17:48 • 0 commentsFinally got a happy build for my common image. Now, I'm just running the "dd" command to make an image to distribute. I don't think there will be enough time to make a self-building script, which is unfortunate because that would cut the time down significantly. I did that with a coworker on a se urity contract I used to be on: security validations. That might have to be a whole other project... :(
I WILL be re-writing my instructions on this project in a way that will lend themselves to scripting much of the gruntwork out though. Just gotta host some packages locally.
Wired and Wireless
02/24/2016 at 19:28 • 0 commentsPhew! I didn't know that having both a wired AND a wireless interface would disable the wireless! Fixed it and now it's in my instructions
Networking: My Old nemesis...
02/24/2016 at 16:58 • 2 commentsWow. Getting WiFi to be your main connection, while simultaneously serving a subnet gets weird...
I know I have to set up a bridge, but don't I have to have 2 working subnets first?
Old USB Hubs suck...
02/24/2016 at 02:18 • 0 commentsI have my keyboard, mouse and SD card in a USB adapter in an old USB hub, while I am swapping between the Linux box, which is "backing up" movies right now (but that is another story). And THIS is why I recommend making the smallest image possible to begin with. I am stuck waiting for a 16GB SD card to get imaged when I probably could have been finished with a 4GB card and expanded to any other size desired.
Roll your own? Psshhhh, no thank you...
02/23/2016 at 22:44 • 0 commentsThis guy has a pretty good handle on setting up a group of PIs for clustering, so why re- reinvent the wheel?
There are a couple minor gotchas, but overall, his is a quick easy read. When it's all done, I'll set it up so that the Leafs are communicating on the RJ45s to the head only. The head will have a second, WiFi connection into the world.
Taking the Plunge
02/23/2016 at 13:25 • 0 commentsI'm gonna do it. I'm going to move from Wifi to straight ethernet. Good thing I found a new switch at Goodwill for 3 bones.
Anyway, this is what I have to work with...
Something tells me this isn't an actual Realtek chip. Hmmm...
At least they were wired to standard. I guess even forgers have a conscious. Blk is on the largest, gnd plane and red is on vcc.
All I have to do is figure out how to fit this RJ 45 Jack.
JUST enough room in between. All I need is to make a cutout for the jack! Minimal soldering.
Shoot! EtherCRAP II.
02/22/2016 at 15:32 • 0 commentsDang. I tested the ethernet adapters from eBay wrong. Looks like they do work. I'm on the fence here: do I go ahead with wifi? Or do I go ahead with ethernet and solder to the board?
Converting Logs
02/22/2016 at 04:18 • 0 commentsI have started to input the instructions and will begin the process of moving some of the log content there. Really, a few of my logs have instruction in them, and that's not how this project is organized...
All thing s considered, though, I rather like the Stream of Consciousness method of documenting a project.
On to the Electronics
02/22/2016 at 02:20 • 0 commentsWith this new DOVETAIL design, I can now expand my cluster as Pi Zeros become available, instead of wasting filament on empty slots.
I will have both designs available for you: 8 slots with the old rectangular spot for the Zeros, and this new expandable design.
Chassis design is Done!
02/22/2016 at 02:13 • 0 commentsThere's a bit of cleanup of the edges due to the print quality, but, I have a COMPLETELY modular design now. I think a better printer will produce better parts and make life much easier.
That's 3 Pi Zero slots in 1.25 x 4 inches. THESE will require a direct wire for power. I will be using JP1 & JP6 for the input. Same dimension as my original design.