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SparkFun 9 Degrees of Freedom - Sensor Stick
For IMU navigation/follow me in K9 & Controller
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XBee Pro 60mW PCB Antenna - Series 1 (802.15.4)
K9 & Controller communications (this is the one for the controller, I have a 2nd one of these with a USB adapter for debugging from a PC)
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XBee Pro 60mW U.FL Connection - Series 1 (802.15.4)
K9 & Controller communications (this is the one for K9 with an antenna connector)
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700-2600Mhz 4G LTE Rubber Duck Antenna 5dbi with SMA plug male
K9 tail and antenna for the GPS & XBEE
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Interface Cable SMA to U.FL
Connecting the XBEE & GPS to Antenna (will need to get a T piece adapter to connect both)
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Universal Qi Inductive Wireless Charger Transmitter Module
Internal K9 induction charger for Controller (and my phone)
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Ublox/U-blox NEO-6M GPS Module Aircraft Flight Controller For Arduino MWC IMU
For K9 as point of reference navigation (expected to be indoors and not available in the majority of cases). Did purchase 2 intending on putting on inside the controller but not on this build without a custom controller back
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SparkFun RFID USB Reader
To 'pair' with a controller in the event I make more than one. Will use pins not the USB (will have to bitbang probably)
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RFID Reader ID-20LA (125 kHz)
125khz RFID tag reader
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K9 onboard camera. Probably not used much initially but allows for social media or openCV opportunities later. More than likely will use it for timelapse to start with.
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Raspberry Pi 7" Touch Screen Display
Official touch screen for K9 onboard interface (if needed)
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Sabertooth Dual 12A 6V-24V
Motor Controller
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100W Belt Drive Scooter Rear Wheel W/Brake, 24V, 1200 RPM
Supercool scooter motors with rubber wheel and belt assembly already attached. K9 tank like drive
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Ultrasonic Ranging Module HC-SR04
Forward, left, right and down facing (for stairs) for collision avoidance. No rear facing one, will allow K9 to turn 180 degrees instead of reverse
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8-channel Bi-directional Logic Level Converter [TXB0108]
5v to 3.3v logic board for the 4 ultrasonic modules & the RFID reader. May also use for the GPS when I get it
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Fio v3 - ATmega32U4
Controller microcontroller with built in XBEE socket
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K9 main board for everything
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DC-DC Step Down Converter 5-36V to 1.25-32V 5A Buck Voltage Regulator
For stepping down 6S batteries used for motors to also use for Pi
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8-Channel 5V Relay Shield Module Board Optocoupler module
Relay channel for K9 to allow turning off of components when not required (battery saving)
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24V 10A 1Channel Relay Module Optocoupler
Relay channel for K9 to allow turning off of motor controller when not required (battery saving)
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Flex Cable for Raspberry Pi Camera - 24 / 610mm
Extender cable for Rpi2 Camera
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JST-PH Battery Extension Cable
Removing the FIO onboard connector for height reasons
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RFID Glass Capsule or Button (125kHz)
Hoping to use the smaller RFID tag in the NES controller for identification. If range it too low will switch for button
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Tiny Wireless Charger Receiver (Qi Compatible)
Super cool tiny 25.0 * 15.6 * 1.0 mm induction receiver (5v @ 300mah) for charging the controller with K9
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Adafruit Mono 2.5W Class D Audio Amplifier - PAM8302
Driver for speaker
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Speaker - 3" Diameter - 4 Ohm 3 Watt
Useful for voice output later
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Adafruit Microphone Amplifier - MAX9814 with Auto Gain Control
Auto gain adjust microphone for voice recognition use later
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Multistar High Capacity 6S 16000mAh Multi-Rotor Lipo Pack
To be hooked up in parallel & enclosed in a lipo burn safe container each but allow to potentially only run off one at a time
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0-30V Analog Voltimeter Gauge
Will be hooked to the batteries for run time monitoring
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0-30A Analog Ampmeter Gauge
Will also be hooked to the batteries for run time monitoring