Electronics/computer enthusiast who likes to create things to gain philosophical insights through modeling and comparison.
A perma-end-of-world, solar-powered roguelike game in C on an ATtiny 1634 microcontroller using Morse Code, a 9600 baud UART server, physical tiles, and a separate external procedural world generator.
A recursive, NoSQL static-site generator, FastCGI commenting system, and talking XMPP control server, including memory caching, written in Perl and Python using 4 Raspberry Pi computers ...and a laser.
A talking, DTMF-controlled telephone PBX system on a Commodore 64, with its own sound server, power supply, and self-powered network using the SPO256-AL2, SSI 202-P, AMI 6821, some analog multiplexers and optoisolators, BASIC and 6510 assembly.
A $1 laser tripwire for the Raspberry Pi and Python using a CdS photoresistor, red laser pointer, craft-store mirrors, and RC charge circuit, overcoming the memory effect by using a deadband in lieu of hysteresis.
A ghostly DIY miniature carnival river-race, with phosphorescent polystyrene boats instead of ducks, built out of PVC pipe, aquarium powerhead, glow-in-the-dark paint, black light, and a plastic bucket.
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Hello again, Lee! I just came across your comment on Floppy-Bird. Somehow the time-merging you described seems to have presented itself tonight, in a strange and wonderful way, this time not by my design: I was much in need of a pick-me-up when I stumbled upon that thoughtful writing of yours from half a year ago! Thank you, my friend!
Neat! Your recent updates have been fascinating as well.
Good morning Lee and thank you for the follow / like of my Cardboard Computer :-)
Hey Lee, Thanks for liking Floppy-Bird! Good luck with the prize!
Good afternoon Lee and thanks for the follow and like of Light Logic :-)