Pitch for this hackaday prize.
This is a kit to introduce people(especially kids) to the exciting world of electronics. I wish I was taught basic electronics and soldering since high school, but unfortunately they still don't teach this in most high schools across India. So I made this solar lantern kit for people to learn electronincs and soldering. This can be used by people of all age but my primary focus was school kids.
The entire circuit runs on a 1.2V NiMh battery which gets charged by a 2V solar panel. The board has got a qf5252 ic. This is a tiny but very interesting ic which serves as a switching boost converter and solar charge controller. It only need and external inductor for boosting a 1.2 volt NiMh battery sufficiently high to light LEDs. It runs at a frequency of around 100 Khz.
I filtered the spikes from the boost converter and added an astable multivibrator to blink two leds alternatively to make it more fun for kids. This blinking mode can be disabled with a switch so that the lantern will glow continuously.

BLINK mode:
HOLD mode:
This kit has some special features as you mentioned some qualities here I think you need to visit familyoffive to see some similar type of information.