
Arduino Glasses a HMD for Multimeter

Building an HMD with no special parts, to make work easier and safer

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Trying to build a cheap Arduino Data Glasses for everybody.
It's working, and now it can even help to avoid accidents. From the first idea to the working prototype, it took 4 Month

The challenge was, that It should be constructed out of common materials that can be found easily.
The project is more about how to build the optical system for this HMD
I have a few ideas and one of them is to connect it to a Multimeter over Bluetooth to get the Data right in front of my eyes.
One thing is clear, you can not just place a screen in front of your eyes, because it will not be possible for them to focus it.

In the logs you can see from the first tests to what I have now.
The whole project runs under Open Source License.

And please, if you use my design, do not forget to mention that it is based on my idea and add a link to my homepage
Thank y

The optical design will be the most difficult part, but I think I found a solution for this.

Follow the project logs to see the updates. The costs of the prototype amounted to 70Euros.

Video of the working device

Link to the video and Link to the video in German

One of the Prototypes

Link to the video


Standard Tesselated Geometry - 150.67 kB - 09/24/2016 at 21:03



Standard Tesselated Geometry - 160.63 kB - 09/24/2016 at 21:03



Standard Tesselated Geometry - 58.68 kB - 09/24/2016 at 21:03



Standard Tesselated Geometry - 62.58 kB - 09/24/2016 at 21:03



Standard Tesselated Geometry - 36.61 kB - 09/24/2016 at 21:03


  • 1 × arduino pro micro
  • 1 × Bluetooth V4.0 HM-11 BLE Module
  • 1 × 280mA Lipo Akku
  • 1 × 50 - 500mA LiPo Charger Circuit
  • 1 × 30mm acrylic plano convex lens with a FL of 100mm

View all 9 components

  • Feeling pissed off

    Alain Mauer02/26/2018 at 21:08 15 comments

    I'm really feeling pissed off, when I see people using my designs and try to sell them as their idea.

    This guy makes a nearly 100% copy of my Data Glass and only after I send him an email he added "inspired by Alain^s Projects". just inspired, really ???????

    I think that's not the way open source should work. If you use the work of someone else, the minimum is to mention this person and set his website link in the description.

    The only thing which calms me down, is that it is still my invention and other people will know it.

  • Lens Alternative

    Alain Mauer12/18/2016 at 11:27 2 comments

    Hi, the lens is still the problem, because it is not easy to find.

    I think, I found a good alternative. A small Fresnel lens. Easy to find, cheap and you can cut it with a pair of scissors.

    Hopefully I will find the time to test it.

    The focal length is about 110mm, with should be fine.

  • New Display 0.49 inch

    Alain Mauer10/18/2016 at 19:56 5 comments

    The new displays just arrived. Will build a smaller version.

    I think I will start a new project for this.

  • Things to do

    Alain Mauer10/10/2016 at 07:24 0 comments

    Thinks to do:

    • Finishing the Software, to auto connect to a Owon Multimeter
    • Adding a battery indicator in the display. The BLE module has this feature.
    • Building different reflectors with tint and mirror foils, to make the glasses work in a bright area,
    • Reducing the weight and redesigning the enclosure.
    • Testing with a smaller 0.49 inch display.
    • Creating a technical Data sheet

  • The end is near

    Alain Mauer09/19/2016 at 16:07 0 comments

    Finally, all fits together.
    Now a nice video of it, a full description and I'm done.

  • Modifying the charger circuit

    Alain Mauer09/17/2016 at 19:28 0 comments

    I needed to change the LiPo batteries. I use now a smaller, 280mA, instead of the 330mA. For this I had to change the resistor in the charger circuit. It's 3k smd part. I soldered a normal resistor with the value of 5.6k in place to reduce the charging current to 200mA.

  • A small reflector modification

    Alain Mauer09/16/2016 at 07:43 0 comments

    Until now, I heated the reflection screen and bent it to 45 degrees. To make the construction easier I printed a new holder. In the picture, you can see the difference

  • I looks like this will be the final design

    Alain Mauer09/15/2016 at 08:33 0 comments

    I finally start handling the 123Design software and my 3d Printer.
    I was totally focused on my cardboard design enclosure, but at the end, I had to redesign the glasses due 3d print problems. Now you can adjust the reflection screen, to get the best view.In the next few days I'll test the electronic with the new LiPo, but I'm still waiting for the lenses.

  • B.T. Data Glasses in his new enclosure

    Alain Mauer09/02/2016 at 16:08 2 comments

    I finally printed out the covers for the enclosure. The mirror and the lens are mounted with all the electronics. All fits in, and it works great. This one has a lens with a focal point of 100mm.

    All in. The controller, bluetooth, display, charger and the LiPo Batterie.

  • First 3d printed enclosure

    Alain Mauer08/31/2016 at 07:25 0 comments

    I just bought me a 3d Printer, and this is the first enclosure for my Dataglasses.

View all 37 project logs

  • 1
    Step 1

    How it works

  • 2
    Step 2

    The Lens

    The lens was a tricky thing. I had not really an Idea about optics. So I googled and googeld, and I learned a lot about real images, virtual images focal points, and magnification. The best working lens is an Acrylic Plano convex lens with a focal point of 100mm. If you place the screen at a distance of 73mm from the lens away, you will get a virtual image at a distance between 27-30cm. The magnification factor is x3

    That's perfect, because another important thing is, that your eyes can only start focusing things at +-25 cm

    I found this website to calculate the object distance.

  • 3
    Step 3

    The electronic

    Here are all the parts for the data glasses

    I just used a smaller battery.

    To use the 280mA battery, I had to change the 3k resistor against a 5.6k resistor on the original board. The charging current is now reduced to +- 200mA.

View all 6 instructions

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Rich text editor

mistaaboiz080 wrote 08/23/2020 at 21:41 point

good morning sir! im from malaysia and i really  like about this project,can i get the code to make one like this.this will help me in future to do some electrical can send me the code at my gmail:

thank you for the code,i really appreciate it.may god  always blessing you and your fam!

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zyoliver wrote 08/12/2020 at 12:21 point



krisan6275 @

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HéctorOlvera wrote 06/15/2020 at 21:56 point

Hi, i am so impressed about YOUR job. I´d like to take inspiration in your job, and make it usefull in another sciencies, i am studying maths and maybe in the future we could innove, could you please me send me an email with the code?

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Ko Ko wrote 06/15/2020 at 16:25 point

Sir, can I get source code please?

my email -

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Diego Hernández wrote 05/24/2020 at 08:39 point

¿Me pueden enviar el código para Arduino? Este proyecto es muy sorprendente y creo que se puede usar en otras áreas de la ingeniería. 

Mi correo electrónico es:


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abigailmr6 wrote 05/03/2020 at 00:27 point

Hola, excelente proyecto, me podrías compartir el código este es mi correo. muchas gracias.

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Diego Hernández wrote 05/27/2020 at 04:19 point

Hola amigo, ¿te envío el código el señor de las gafas?. 

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david0517 wrote 05/01/2020 at 23:31 point

Hola señor Alain, entiedo que esta enojado con la persona que copio su proyecto y no le del crédito que usted merece es total mente injusto y se comprende el porqué de su enojo hablo por mi pero se que al igual que yo muchos de los que le un escrito incluido el mismo sentimiento de apoyo hacia usted, también le escribo para pedirle si puedo compartir el código de su proyecto para poder implementarlo para mi uso diario le agradezco y ofrezco mis disculpa ante cualquier molestia que le aya generar un abrazo excelente proyecto, en tiempos de coronoavirus lejos pero juntos quedarse en casa.

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Maul48 wrote 04/26/2020 at 05:39 point

Hi Mr Alain, any chance you could email me the code to this project? I'm really keen to build this project myself, as I'm new to working with Arduino projects

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Kevin wrote 04/06/2020 at 02:52 point

soooo cool ~~~    Thanks You!

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David wrote 04/03/2020 at 02:35 point

Do you think this could be adapted to healthcare workers on the front line? Using:
a. Some type of non-contact thermometer
b. Barcode scanner to bring up patient data
c. Software to show data concerning the patient.
d. Be up-gradable in the software and what data it can show as soon as testing is completed.

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Diego wrote 03/17/2020 at 02:57 point

Hello Mr. Alain, thats a realy usefull fantastic project, i wasn't able to find the completed code, may you send by e-mail, thank you.

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chapoxo wrote 03/03/2020 at 16:32 point

hi mr.  I am a college student in the state of Maryland, we are currently working in class on a project to do smart glasses and you were the inspiration. Please if you can send us the code so that we can continue to advance forward in our project,  thanks. My email is

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Robert wrote 03/03/2020 at 13:17 point

Hello mr.gentelman, My name is Robert Wilson

im from aussie land

i came here for the code

please can i have it need it for a project(i really need this as soon as possible)

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amir wrote 03/01/2020 at 20:04 point

hi mr. can i get an arduino code its for my  fyp

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Amin wrote 02/08/2020 at 17:20 point

Hey mr..can I get the code pls for my final year project studies,

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aqilsiddiq33 wrote 02/02/2020 at 01:55 point

Hey mr..can I get the code pls for my final year project studies,

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Josh wrote 01/15/2020 at 03:13 point


I am a Computer Science Specialist intrigued by your design you have, I would love to improve this project and have many ideas on how to do so. If you would like to talk, email me at 

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Ira Schonfeld wrote 12/29/2019 at 22:12 point


Fantastic project. I'm in the process of making one of these. It will be for the OW18B (less expensive meter), which uses a 6-byte data stream, but essentially the same. I do have a question and a comment. 

First the question: If I substitute a Fresnel lens from a small magnifier like you show, do you think I'll need to change the distances from the display to the lens, or lens to the eye? 

And one comment on your Bluetooth command list on I'm using an HM-11 BT module, and some of the commands you show didn't work, or didn't work as typed. What I settled on was:

Commands to issue one time:


AT+RESET   (not sure if it's really needed)





And then when the actual project starts from then on, it seems like I only need to issue:

AT+CON[mac address]

Some of the commands you listed (AT+FILT0  AT+CONE0) might work with other BT modules, but didn't happen to work with the HM-11 I received. Maybe a typo? Not a complaint, just a note in case others are following along and hitting the same issue I did. 

But really a fantastic job. 

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Mark wrote 11/24/2019 at 00:16 point

Also posted on the GitHub Im using a hc-10 Bluetooth module and the glasses receive a signal CONN and when i view the serial monitor I receive unrecognizable numbers and letters. My Multi Meterworks flawlessly with the android and apple apps. I have been on this for about 2 days playing with the Bluetooth AT Commands, any help would be great. I will buy a HC-11 on Monday.

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