First Version
12/19/2016 at 04:38 • 0 commentsWith the board's schematics and the library working, the initial version of the project is completed. Stay tuned for the next project.
09/30/2016 at 18:26 • 0 comments@Sabasacustico added the schematics for the project https://github.com/salmg/MagSpoofPI/tree/master/Schematic open hardware for all.
Testing the board at DerbyCon
09/28/2016 at 23:37 • 0 commentsI had the opportunity to be at DerbyCon this year, and I tested the beta of this project updating the tracks using a Samsung Pay token: https://youtu.be/uOlwORnZy7g
Speeding up the uploading process
09/20/2016 at 06:49 • 0 commentsTo speeding up the uploading process, you will need to sacrifice some functions in the library, for example the "reverseTrack" with less code to upload, faster will be the process, I attached two pic, one with the full code, the other without that function. The difference is around 6 seconds less.
Low Fuses
09/20/2016 at 00:02 • 0 commentsI had some issues with the low fuses some time ago. I was trying to upload the MagSpoofPI code using the low fuses for 8mhz(0xe2) in the makefile. It won't run, keep 0x62 for low fuses.