09/03/2018 at 03:46 • 0 comments -
Video Journal
09/03/2018 at 03:24 • 0 comments -
Week 13 : Final week
08/28/2018 at 06:04 • 0 comments21/8 Tuesday
- Check on robot printed parts and continue to color on robot using acrylic paint and check on the color after it dries.
- Count and test out LED strips in the ring and outside the ring.
- Combine and polish structure in workshop and drill holes for the buttons.
22/8 Wednesday
- Lazer cut perspex for the title S.A.W.
- Do soldering on the LEDs and buttons.
- Continue to paint the robot joint and adding design to the robot body.
23/8 Thursday
- Finnish painting for the robot parts and glue everything together to test out the robot structure placement on the ring.
- Client review on the overall looks and design in the evening.
- Combining the title perspex and re-adjust the position of the robot in the ring based on the size.
24/8 Friday
- Moving all structures and robots to the workshop and wait for mall to close.
- Assemble all structure and robots in the mall.
- Test out coding on LEDs and servo.
25/8 Saturday
- Cleaning up the space and checking the position overall placement of the structure.
- Debugging and showcase to public to interact with the gameplay.
26/8 Sunday
- Having the public to interact and experience the gameplay.
- Debugging and replacing servo.
- Disassemble the whole structure and clean up the event place.
Week 12 : Debugging
08/28/2018 at 05:44 • 0 comments14/8 Thursday
- Editing and 3D printing second robot structure.
15/8 Wednesday
- Lazer cut both robots body and assemble together.
- Spray paint on the body and start to color 3D printed body parts.
- Continue to 3D print and re-print some parts of the robots.
16/8 Thursday
- Testing codes on new servo.
- Assemble parts and joints of both robot arm to check on proportion.
- Go to workshop to cut the perspex that will be place in the middle of the ring.
- Recut the right size of the base and spray paint the structure and the base.
Week 11
08/21/2018 at 04:00 • 0 comments2/8 Thursday
- Feedback from client / user
6/8 Monday
- Workshop cut acrylic and wood
- Test out LED
7/8 Tuesday
- 3D Modeling robot (new design)
- Soldering wire
8/8 Wednesday
- Continue work on robot
9/8 Thursday
- Print out robot parts in Fablab
- Test out coding for LEDs on buttons and overall
- spray paint the structure at workshop
Week 10 : User Test
08/02/2018 at 01:58 • 0 comments26/7 Thursday
- Continue the building of the structure for the platform in the workshop and correct the error measurement.
30/7 Monday
- 3D print out joint model to be put together on the robot and testing out the mechanism on the robot.
- Input coding using arduino board to check the coding.
- Complete the bigger parts of the structure in the workshop, including controller and board for the robot.
1/8 Wednesday
- Connecting the robot's arm with ready 3D printed joints and input coding to run test again.
- Assemble the structure's board with the robot and adjusting the placement of the robots.
- Figuring the placement to hide the wires and board.
- Testing the placement of the LEDs on the structure.
2/8 Thursday
- Debugging codes on the robots.
- Run user test at 3pm to get feedback on the core experience.
Week 9 : Building and Design
07/26/2018 at 02:13 • 0 comments19/7 Thursday
- Complete the building of the bone structure for the platform in the workshop.
20/7 Friday
- Look for arcylic for the design at KL.
Week 8 : Building Structure
07/16/2018 at 06:17 • 0 comments13/7 Friday
- Meeting client to check on the materials and time to go to work shop to build the structure.
16/7 Monday
- Go to sunway workshop and start to build structure from the base.
Week 7 : Mechanism
07/12/2018 at 02:19 • 0 comments9/7 Monday
- Meeting up to discuss on the actual size of the whole structure and confirming the material use for the structure.
12/7 Thursday
- Starts to build out the structure and testing out the mechanism of the robots and responding LED lights.
Week 6: Prototyping
07/02/2018 at 07:04 • 0 comments28/6 Thursday
- Pitching idea to cilent's design team to get feedback and guide on material use and overall structure size.
29/6 Friday
- Draft out measurement of robot and structure to build a prototype.
- Plan to have discussion and building prototype on Monday.
2/7 Monday
- Meeting up to build prototype to check on the size of the structure and robot on the comfirmed design.