
Nexys 4 DDR FPGA VGA Controller

Text mode VGA controller for the Nexys 4 DDR FPGA development board.

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Implements a text mode VGA controller for the Nexys 4 DDR FPGA development board. The controller outputs 720x400 at 70 Hz which is compatible with the IBM VGA industry standard (non-VESA mode). Character resolution is 80x25 using a 9x16 glyph. The controller includes a CRT controller, a 32 Kb video RAM, a character generator, a 4 KB character ROM, an attribute generator, and a synchronizer. The text attribute matches the original VGA 16 colors, with both background and foreground color capability. A cursor is generated by the CRT controller and can be enabled and disabled. The included PicoBlaze program tests the character ROM, text attributes, and cursor.

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SparkyNZ wrote 08/31/2024 at 08:12 point

For your VGA controller, would mind sharing your vsync/porch values please? I'm trying to get a 720x400 display working with my FPGA but I seem to be missing 50 lines from the top of each frame.

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