

Dual Megadrive controller adapter for MSX computers

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This project uses an ATMegaxx8 to provide the connection of up to 2 Megadrive (Sega Genesis) controllers to MSX Joystick port. The Circuit shall support Master System and Genesis 3 or 6 button controllers and provide two modes of operation, selectable at power up:

* Basic Mode, that translates buttons into MSX joystick controls.
* Joymega Mode, provides compatibility with Joymega adapter.

This adapter provides the connection of 2 controllers on each MSX joystick port. It works with Master System and Genesis 3 and 6 button controllers and provides the following operating modes, selected at power up:

Basic Mode

In this mode the buttons are mapped to MSX standard joystick buttons.

Second controller accessible via Basic using pdl(x) function, example:
100 IF PDL(0) = 0 THEN GOTO 1000 : REM UP Action

Basic Mode Timing:

After a short pulse issued by MSX to read the paddle the outputs assume the state of the Controller 2 and stay for 32us, then fall to zero for more 32us. Such time is enough for MSX to count up to 3 during GTPDL Bios call and to detect the end of the temporization as well.


This mode is compatible with Joymega, and the second controller is only accessibe through machine language code using HIDLIB.

;  do some stuff with controller 1 data
;  do some stuff with controller 2 data

 The circuit times out after 3ms which gives plenty of time in between reads to process data from first controller.

JoyMega mode Timing


Schematic (Eagle 7) new version

sch - 370.14 kB - 09/19/2018 at 02:02



Circuit Board (Eagle 7) new version

brd - 74.36 kB - 09/19/2018 at 02:02



Schematic (Eagle 7)

sch - 370.07 kB - 08/23/2018 at 01:52



Circuit Board (Eagle 7)

brd - 73.11 kB - 08/23/2018 at 01:52


  • 1 × ATmega88p Microprocessors, Microcontrollers, DSPs / ARM, RISC-Based Microcontrollers
  • 1 × 100nf capacitor 0805 size
  • 1 × 10K resistor 0805 size
  • 2 × DE-9 male Edge type sub-d connector
  • 1 × Molex 22-23-2091 Connectors and Accessories / Board-to-Board and Card Edge Connectors

View all 7 components

  • Timing considerations

    danjovic01/02/2022 at 03:46 0 comments


    During the execution of the JOYLIB.GTJOYMEG6 from HIDLIB, the Z80 calls a function to read the Joystick right after it flips the state of the Pulse pin ..

        call    BASELIB.FLIPPORTOUT    ;
        call    BASELIB.RDJOYPORT;

    Tracing the assembly instructions the time it takes from the pin change (OUT instruction)  to the reading (IN) is 100 cycles  (see below) or ~28us.

    In terms of AVR cycles it means 100 * (8MHz/3.58MHz) or 223 cycles to spend with latency. After discounting 11 cycles for the latency of a pin change interrupt theres is still more than enough processing time for not to worry with the compiler overhead.

        ld    a,e
        xor    d        ; flip Output
        ld    e,a
        ld    a,15
        jp    WRTPSG    
        OUT    (PSG.LW),A    ;LATCH ADDRESS
        PUSH    AF
        LD    A,E
        OUT    (PSG.DW),A    ;OUTPUT DATA  ; 12
        EI                                 ; 5
        POP    AF                          ; 11
        RET                                ; 11
    call    BASELIB.RDJOYPORT              ; 18
        ld    a,14                         ; 8 
        di                                 ; 5
        call    RDPSG                      ; 18
        OUT    (PSG.LW),A                  ; 12 
        IN    A,(PSG.DR)   
    ; 12+5+11+11+18+8+5+18+12 = 100


    The timing on Basic mode is a bit shorter, 60 cycles from the instruction that rise the level of the Pulse pin until the first reading on the joystick port.

    It is still enough time to deal with the code produced by the compiler as it represents ~17us  or 134 AVR cycles (at 8MHz).

        INC    A        ;Force parameter 2 based
        AND    A
        PUSH    AF        ;Save port # (carry reset if port 1)
        LD    B,A
        XOR    A
        RLA            ;Form mask pattern
        DJNZ    PDL1
        LD    B,A        ;Set mask pattern
        POP    AF
        LD    C,10H        ;Assume port 1
        LD    DE,03AFH
        JR    NC,PDLP1    ;Good assumption
        LD    C,' '
        LD    DE,4C9FH
        LD    A,PSG.PB
        CALL    RDPSG        ;Get current port B content
        AND    E
        OR    D
        OR    C                                             
        OUT    (PSG.DW),A    ;Set trigger high       ; 12
        XOR    C                                     ; 8
        OUT    (PSG.DW),A    ;Set trigger low again  ; 12
        LD    A,0EH                                  ; 8
        OUT    (PSG.LW),A                            ; 12
        LD    C,0        ;Initialize counter         ; 8
    PDL2:                                            ; total: 12+8+12+8+12+8 = 60
        IN    A,(PSG.DR)                             ; 16.76us / 134 AVR cycles @ 8.0 MHz 
        AND    B        ;End of pulse?
        JR    Z,PDL3        ;Yes
        INC    C        ;Bump counter
        JP    NZ,PDL2        ;No overflow yet
        DEC    C        ;Make it 255
        LD    A,C        ;Return counted value

  • Development environment (updated)

    danjovic07/27/2020 at 03:32 0 comments

    Most of the logic have been tested using Arduino sketches and debugged on the serial terminal. It might have been done with a C compiler and a debugger but using real hardware allowed me use real controllers.

    Next step involves timing and interrupts, as well as a connection to the MSX.

    Since the circuit uses the internal oscillator and the crystal pins as I/O it is advisable to make the development using another environment: a bigger AVR (in the sense that it provides more pins). The chosen one was the ATMega32 that I have lying around on my parts bin. A rough drawing of the schematics is shown below. The output to MSX is done with PORT A leaving PORT D for loading and debugging.

    A slight difference is that external interrupt 1 was used because ATMega 32 does not have pin change interrupt capability.

  • Making a 6 button loke like a 3 button or SMS controller

    danjovic07/26/2020 at 18:37 0 comments

    The function scanControllers( ) can detect if the controller is a 3 button or a 6 button or even a Master System SMS controller and return a 16 bit value with the following format:

    // 15 14 13 12 11 10 9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
    // 0  0  0  0  MD X  Y  Z  ST A  C  B  RG LF DW UP

    I have some 6 button controllers but none with 3 button neither a SMS controller, but if the pin SELECT is tied to a fixed logic state then the controller will change its behaviour, being detected as:

    // SELECT = HIGH: SMS controller
    // 15 14 13 12 11 10 9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
    // 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  C  B  1  1  DW UP
    // SELECT = LOW : 3 Button controller
    // 15 14 13 12 11 10 9  8  7  6  5  4  3  2  1  0
    // 0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  ST A  1  1  DW UP

    Notice that 3 button controller will show LEFT an RIGHT both pressed and START and A instead of B and C, nevertheless the controller is being detected as a 3 button.

  • PCB ready!

    danjovic10/10/2019 at 03:19 0 comments

    PCBs just arrived. Routing was done in 2018 but I have just ordered the boards last month.

  • Expanding: Reading all buttons

    danjovic09/19/2018 at 02:23 0 comments

    It is possible to expand the functionality of the adapter using the same technique as the Megadrive to read the 6 button joystick.

    In normal operation the selection between Controller A and Controller B is performed by changing Pin 8 from MSX joystick port, then reading the state of the buttons.

    As the signal from MSX pin 8 can be stuck at any value it is necessary to poll the Megadrive controllers and constantly update the state of the pins at MSX joystick port and such task is performed once at each 16.384ms.

    Once an interrupt occur by a change in pin 8 the state of the pins at MSX joystick port is updated and the next poll is programmed to occur 16.384ms after the end of interrupt routine.

    Expanded mode allows the reading of all buttons from a 6 button Megadrive controller and can be accessed after issuing 4 consecutive rising edges on pin 8 from MSX port within one poll cycle interval. The state of the pins will be then determined both by the state of pin 8 - denominated PHASE - that can be Low or High, and by the bit 0 of a rising edge counter that might be either even or odd.

    -------MSX PIN STATE-------------     
    8        1   2   3   4   6    7
    Low      UP  DW  LF  RG  BtA  BtB (Contr. A)
    High     UP  DW  LF  RG  BtA  BtB (Contr. B) 1st pulse
    Low      UP  DW  LF  RG  BtA  BtB (Contr. A)
    High     UP  DW  LF  RG  BtA  BtB (Contr. B) 2nd pulse
    Low      UP  DW  LF  RG  BtA  BtB (Contr. A)
    High     UP  DW  LF  RG  BtA  BtB (Contr. B) 3rd pulse
    Low      UP  DW  LF  RG  BtA  BtB (Contr. A)
    High     UP  DW  LF  RG  BtA  BtB (Contr. B) 4th pulse
    Low      UP  DW  LF  RG  BtA  BtB (Contr. A)
    High     UP  DW  LF  RG  B    C   (Contr. B - Raw ) 5th pulse	 
    Low      UP  DW  LF  RG  B    C   (Contr. A - Raw ) 	 
    High     Z   Y   X   MD  A    ST  (Contr. B - Raw ) 6th pulse	 
    Low      Z   Y   X   MD  A    ST  (Contr. A - Raw ) 
    High     UP  DW  LF  RG  B    C   (Contr. B - Raw ) 7th pulse	 
    Low      UP  DW  LF  RG  B    C   (Contr. A - Raw ) 	 
    High     Z   Y   X   MD  A    ST  (Contr. B - Raw ) 8th pulse	 
    Low      Z   Y   X   MD  A    ST  (Contr. A - Raw )	          

     Expanded mode is exited by timeout after the next polling cycle

  • Safeguard

    danjovic09/18/2018 at 23:41 0 comments

    As this project uses internal clock I have merged both SELECT inputs from Megadrive cotrollers in a single line at pin PB7 OSC-OUT and left pint PB6 OSC-IN open just in case something go wrong with the fuses configuration and the AVR would expect to operate from external crystal.

    A track was added to pin 7 which ends in a large track. Over the latter another track on the TSTOP layer as added so the solder mask will not be poured over it

  • Iterative design

    danjovic08/23/2018 at 02:05 0 comments

    Such small boards require some iteration in design:

    • Lay the components,
    • Choose the pins to use for each function
    • Draw some straight lines between pins that shall be interconnected
    • Connect pins schematic
    • Route the board
    • Repeat all steps as necessary until routing is finished (and you're happy with it)

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