Entries for the Hackaday Prize are required to disclose the licensing terms of all of the software used in the project.
This project is licensed under the Creative Commons 4.0 Share Alike Non-commercial Licence.
This project includes the Mozzi audio library, which is also under this license and this it is required.
This project also uses the Arduino IDE, which is licensed under LGPLv2.1.
This project also uses STM32Duino libraries and utilities for supporting STM32 Blue Pill boards.
These libraries include ST-Microelectronics Driver Code licensed under the BSD 3-Clause License, middleware licensed under the MCD-ST Liberty SW License, and the Apache License.
That's surely a most elegant board layout. Hats off to you, mainly for that mad presentation video And Cutest layout Resso Music App. https://theressoapk.com/