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DFRobot CurieNano
A mini Genuino/Arduino 101 board featuring the Intel Curie module, including 6 dof IMU and 3 axis magnetometer
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2mm 10pin XBee Socket - SMD
To connect the XBee (transmitter) to the Arduino Pro Mini
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Pisound Audio Interface
An ultra-low latency high-quality sound card and MIDI interface specially designed for the Raspberry Pi
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microSD card
Storage to hold the operating system of the Raspberry Pi and the GePS distribution. 4-8GB is comfortably enough space.
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Power supply for Raspberry Pi
Power supply providing 2.5A USB power to the Raspberry Pi (and Pisound / XBee)
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XBee USB Adapter V2 - Atmega8U2
To hook up the XBee (receiver) to the computer (for data transmission, also for configuring the XBees)
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Micro-USB Cable
To hook up the FTDI breakout / Arduino Pro Mini to the computer
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LiPo Cell 850mAh
The lithium polymer battery to power the sensor unit
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Switched JST-PH 2-Pin SMT right angle breakout board
Battery power socket with switch, to turn the instrument on and off
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USB LiIon/LiPoly charger
For charging the battery
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Thin glove, pref. without fingers
To attach the sensor unit to your hand. Anything that tightly fits your hand/wrist and allows to be sewed.
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XBee 1mW Series 1
Radio link between sensor unit and computer
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Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+
The latest (14 March 2018) edition of the famous Raspberry Pi single-board computers