
GTXL Gigatron clone computer with keyboard

Microcomputer that runs without a CPU

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This project is a clone of the Gigatron computer project called the GTXL in honor of the second generation Atari XL computers. The Gigatron is designed to be a full 8-bit computer which does not require a CPU. Only simple 7400 series in-production chips are used.

My goal is this clone is 100% reverse compatible while adding some new functionality.

1.  Built-in 63-key keyboard
2. 128kB RAM
3. Cartridge slot for new PROMs
4. New instructions ST AC -> [X,D] and ST AC -> [X++,D]
5. Audio input
6. 4 Parallel inputs from DB9 connector
7. Hi-resolution mode (double screen width)

Much like the Apple 1 computer which did not come with a keyboard, the second generation did.  This made the computer much more approachable to novices.  I borrowed heavily from the mechanical keyboard culture to create a custom key layout using the Cherry MX key footprint.

The cartridge slot makes it possible to create cartridges much like the old Commodore 64 and Atari 400/800 style of computers.  It also aids in development of new ROM code.

The new instructions make block memory copying easier.  This is helpful for things like sprites or arrays of data.

The audio input can be used for old-school style program storage.  With the advent of BASIC built-in on the ROM, support can be added for audio-out and audio-in data storage.  Store your programs on your smartphone!

The Hi-resolution mode doubles the width resolution of the screen.  This drops the color resolution to 3 bits, but could help significantly in BASIC program development.

  • So close...

    Justin Davis08/22/2019 at 20:26 4 comments

    I've updated my Arduino code so that I can stream the ROM code to it and load it into my flash cartridge.  This will hopefully make coding go faster now that I can use the python assembler and not have to write machine code by hand.  I'm still using the ROM v3 code, but I can update to v4 soon. 

    I notices in the ROM code it takes quite some time to get through the boot sequence with verifying the memory.  Since I'm still using the Arduino to drive a slower clock to the board, I had to change that to pump up my clock speed.  So after hacking the internal timers to fast PWM mode, I can now get from 7kHz up to 8MHz.  Unfortunately I can't get the exact 6.125MHz I need for video, so at some point I'll have to put the clock chip back in.  

    I've found I have 3 LEDs come up in sequence which means the memory checks are succeeding.  The 4th LED does come on, but it blinks at a very high rate.  I had to slow the clock down to see it.  At about 125kHz it's noticable.  It does not do the LED scroll sequence, so it is still having some problem somewhere in the code.  

    I also noticed I have to manually issue a reset to the board after it powers up usually to get the code running.  I'm not sure why, but I'll have to look into that.  It's possible my bank switching is powering up at 1 which would start running code in the wrong bank.  I suppose I could add a piece of code at the beginning of the top bank so that if it ever boots there it will bump it over to the correct bank and continue booting.  But I feel like it's REAL close to running.

  • Fibonnaci checks out

    Justin Davis08/15/2019 at 12:21 3 comments

    Well, I should have expected the Fibonacci code to work since I already checked out all the previous functions of it.  So I'm wondering what isn't going to be working to prevent the ROM code from working.  I'm running the ROM v3 code because I'm worried about the ROM v4 code is incompatible.  I noticed the new bus expansion board uses the same instruction set hack that I used - it uses the same invalid memory instructions to talk to the expansion board as I use to talk to my control registers.  The v3 does not use these instructions, so it should run ok.

    So I'm starting to really scratch my head on what the problem could be here.  I'm starting to think it may be a clock problem - all the code that runs slowly works correctly.  So next I may try to slowly run the rom code and see if it works.  All I really need to see is the 4 LEDs turn on one at a time to show the board has booted.  I need to modify my Arduino flash loader to read the ROM file and dump the whole thing into the flash cartridge.

      // Fibonacci series
      // $[00] = a
      // $[01] = b
      // $[02] = tmp
      byteProgram(0x0000, 0x0000);  // ld   $00    ; outer loop
      byteProgram(0x0001, 0xc200);  // st   [$00]  ; a=0
      byteProgram(0x0002, 0x0001);  // ld   $01    ; b=1
      byteProgram(0x0003, 0xfc0a);  // bra  $0a
      byteProgram(0x0004, 0x0200);  // nop         ; (pipelining)
    // inner loop start
      byteProgram(0x0005, 0x0100);  // ld   [$00] 
      byteProgram(0x0006, 0xc202);  // st   [$02]  ; tmp=a
      byteProgram(0x0007, 0x0101);  // ld   [$01]
      byteProgram(0x0008, 0xc200);  // st   [$00]  ; a=b
      byteProgram(0x0009, 0x8102);  // adda [$02]
      byteProgram(0x000a, 0xc201);  // st   [$01]  ; b+=tmp
      byteProgram(0x000b, 0x1800);  // ld 0x00, OUT  ; Prepare XOUT update, hSync goes down, RGB to black
      byteProgram(0x000c, 0x1840);  // ld 0x40, OUT  ; hSync goes up (bit 6), updating XOUT and blinkenlights 
      byteProgram(0x000d, 0xf405);  // bge  $05    ; repeat if bit7 is still 0
      byteProgram(0x000e, 0x0200);  // nop         ; (pipelining)
    // inner loop end
      byteProgram(0x000f, 0xfc00);  // bra  $00    ; start over again
      byteProgram(0x0010, 0x0200);  // nop         ; (pipelining)
      // output:
      //0   0000 0000
      //1   0000 0001
      //1   0000 0001
      //2   0000 0010
      //3   0000 0011
      //5   0000 0101
      //8   0000 1000
      //13  0000 1101
      //21  0001 0101
      //34  0010 0010
      //55  0011 0111
      //89  0101 1001
      //144 1001 0000

  • RAM is go!

    Justin Davis08/14/2019 at 15:36 0 comments

    The RAM appears to be working ok.  I haven't done an exhaustive test, but I'll get to that soon.  I just wanted to make sure I could read/write using the legacy memory modes.  I haven't checked out the new memory access modes yet.  So I'm getting low on the things which may not be working.  This means I may have to try more intricate tests.  I figure why not try the fibonacci code with a slight modification.  It would be slightly more interesting and use the RAM a little more.

      // RAM tester
      byteProgram(0x0000, 0x0000);  // ld (0b0000, AC)      // value to load into blinkenlights LEDs |OOOO|
      byteProgram(0x0001, 0x1800);  // ld (0x00, OUT)       // Prepare XOUT update, hSync goes down, RGB to black
      byteProgram(0x0002, 0x1840);  // ld (0b01000000, OUT) // hSync goes up (bit 6), updating XOUT
      byteProgram(0x0003, 0xC005);  // st 0x05 [0x05]       // write to RAM [0,D] where d=5  a value of 0x05
      byteProgram(0x0004, 0x0105);  // ld [0x05], AC        // read from RAM [0,D] where d=5 to AC
      byteProgram(0x0005, 0x1200);  // ld (ac,x)            // move AC to X
      byteProgram(0x0006, 0x1800);  // ld (0x00, OUT)       // Prepare XOUT update, hSync goes down, RGB to black
      byteProgram(0x0007, 0x1840);  // ld (0b01000000, OUT) // hSync goes up (bit 6), updating XOUT and blinkenlights expect: |*0*0|
      byteProgram(0x0008, 0xC40A);  // st 0x0A,[x]          // write to RAM [0,X] a value of 0x0A
      byteProgram(0x0009, 0x0500);  // ld [x]               // read from RAM [0,X] to AC
      byteProgram(0x000A, 0x1600);  // ld ac,y              // move AC to Y
      byteProgram(0x000B, 0x1800);  // ld (0x00, OUT)       // Prepare XOUT update, hSync goes down, RGB to black
      byteProgram(0x000C, 0x1840);  // ld (0b01000000, OUT) // hSync goes up (bit 6), updating XOUT and blinkenlights expect: |0*0*|
      byteProgram(0x000D, 0xC803);  // st 0x03,[y,0x03]     // write to RAM [Y,D] at 0x03  a value of 0x03
      byteProgram(0x000E, 0x0903);  // ld [y,0x03]          // read from RAM [Y,D] where d=0 to AC
      byteProgram(0x000F, 0x1800);  // ld (0x00, OUT)       // Prepare XOUT update, hSync goes down, RGB to black
      byteProgram(0x0010, 0x1840);  // ld (0b01000000, OUT) // hSync goes up (bit 6), updating XOUT and blinkenlights expect: |**00|
      byteProgram(0x0011, 0xCC0E);  // st 0x0E,[x,y]        // write to RAM [Y,X] a value of 0x0E
      byteProgram(0x0012, 0x0d00);  // ld [y,x]             // read from RAM [Y,X] to AC
      byteProgram(0x0013, 0x1800);  // ld (0x00, OUT)       // Prepare XOUT update, hSync goes down, RGB to black
      byteProgram(0x0014, 0x1840);  // ld (0b01000000, OUT) // hSync goes up (bit 6), updating XOUT and blinkenlights expect: |0***|
      byteProgram(0x0015, 0xFC00);  // bra (0x00)           // unconditional branch back to 0
      byteProgram(0x0016, 0x0200);  // nop                  // nop for pipelining simplification

  • ALU is go

    Justin Davis08/06/2019 at 20:16 0 comments

    Finished the next check-out program and the ALU is working.  It isn't an extensive checkout - just enough to make sure my control logic is good.  I also put together a quick clock program on my Arduino to toggle the clock at about half a second.  So the lights changed slowly enough for me to verify the outputs were good.  I also checked the branch-if-equal-to-zero command.   I have to admit I kinda like writing machine-code.  At least for small test programs.  Next up will probably be writing and reading the RAM.  There's several different ways to access the memory and I did a lot of modifications to the MAU.  I wouldn't be surprised if there are problems here.

      // Program to test ADD, SUB, AND, OR, XOR functions of ALU
      byteProgram(0x0000, 0x000F);  // ld (0b1111, AC)      // value to load into blinkenlights LEDs |****|
      byteProgram(0x0001, 0x1800);  // ld (0x00, OUT)       // Prepare XOUT update, hSync goes down, RGB to black
      byteProgram(0x0002, 0x1840);  // ld (0b01000000, OUT) // hSync goes up (bit 6), updating XOUT and blinkenlights
      // top of loop:
      byteProgram(0x0003, 0xF00A);  // beq (0x0A)           // branch if equal to zero to exit loop
      byteProgram(0x0004, 0x0200);  // nop                  // nop for pipelining simplification
      byteProgram(0x0005, 0xA001);  // sub (0x01, AC)       // sub 1 from AC register
      byteProgram(0x0006, 0x1800);  // ld (0x00, OUT)       // Prepare XOUT update, hSync goes down, RGB to black
      byteProgram(0x0007, 0x1840);  // ld (0b01000000, OUT) // hSync goes up (bit 6), updating XOUT and blinkenlights
      byteProgram(0x0008, 0xFC03);  // bra (0x03)           // unconditional branch back to top of loop
      byteProgram(0x0009, 0x0200);  // nop                  // nop for pipelining simplification
      // exit loop:
      byteProgram(0x000A, 0x4005);  // or (0x05, AC)        // test OR function (expect 0x05 result) |*0*0|
      byteProgram(0x000B, 0x1800);  // ld (0x00, OUT)       // Prepare XOUT update, hSync goes down, RGB to black
      byteProgram(0x000C, 0x1840);  // ld (0b01000000, OUT) // hSync goes up (bit 6), updating XOUT and blinkenlights
      byteProgram(0x000D, 0x600F);  // xor (0x0F, AC)       // test XOR function (expect 0x0A result) |0*0*|
      byteProgram(0x000E, 0x1800);  // ld (0x00, OUT)       // Prepare XOUT update, hSync goes down, RGB to black
      byteProgram(0x000F, 0x1840);  // ld (0b01000000, OUT) // hSync goes up (bit 6), updating XOUT and blinkenlights
      byteProgram(0x0010, 0x200C);  // and (0x0C, AC)       // test AND function (expect 0x08 result) |000*|
      byteProgram(0x0011, 0x1800);  // ld (0x00, OUT)       // Prepare XOUT update, hSync goes down, RGB to black
      byteProgram(0x0012, 0x1840);  // ld (0b01000000, OUT) // hSync goes up (bit 6), updating XOUT and blinkenlights
      byteProgram(0x0013, 0x8001);  // add (0x01, AC)       // test ADD function (expect 0x09 result)  |*00*|
      byteProgram(0x0014, 0x1800);  // ld (0x00, OUT)       // Prepare XOUT update, hSync goes down, RGB to black
      byteProgram(0x0015, 0x1840);  // ld (0b01000000, OUT) // hSync goes up (bit 6), updating XOUT and blinkenlights
      byteProgram(0x0016, 0x80FD);  // add (0xFD, AC)       // test ADD function (expect 0x06 result, should rollover) |0**0|
      byteProgram(0x0017, 0x1800);  // ld (0x00, OUT)       // Prepare XOUT update, hSync goes down, RGB to black
      byteProgram(0x0018, 0x1840);  // ld (0b01000000, OUT) // hSync goes up (bit 6), updating XOUT and blinkenlights
      byteProgram(0x0019, 0xFC00);  // bra (0x00)           // unconditional branch back to 0
      byteProgram(0x001A, 0x0200);  // nop                  // nop for pipelining simplification

  • Blinkenlights working!

    Justin Davis08/05/2019 at 20:14 1 comment

    My second program only turned on and off the blinkenlights and they are working.  This means the OUT and XOUT registers are working (and that I placed the LEDs in the right spots).  I also did a quick check on the X register and that is working as well.  At this point I wish I had included a reset button.

    I'd like to get away from single stepping the clock since it is kind of tedious.  I'd like to make some kind of delay function which will let me see the LEDs with the clock running at full speed.  I'm not sure if I can because I'd need a delay in the millions of clock cycles.  And I need to verify at least the add function.  And the conditional branch too.  I'd need to store the counter value in RAM and I haven't verified that yet either.  

    OR I just feed it a very slow clock.  That sounds easier.

    So next I step through a simple count-up program.  And do a conditional branch at the end.  And then maybe do some logic functions on the AC register - XOR, AND, OR.  And then maybe do a count-down program with different conditional branch.

  • First program fully operational

    Justin Davis07/30/2019 at 20:08 0 comments

    Looks like the last solder fix did the job and the first program is now running fully.  I put the official ROM back in and I did not see the blinkenlights running like they are supposed to.  So I'm guessing there's more problems.  I've verified I can load the AC, Y, and PC registers with the correct data.  Next I think I will write a simple program to verify the blinkenlights since that's my check that the ROM is working.  That will verify the OUT register and XOUT register.  I supposed I could throw in an instruction to load X to verify the X registers are working right as well.  

    After that I may start checking the ALU using the blinkenlights.  Since I'm single stepping through the program, I can see the lights fairly easily and it saves me from having to probe every pin on every device to verify the ALU output bus.  Kind of the purpose of blinkenlights, wouldn't you say?

  • Branching success!

    Justin Davis07/30/2019 at 00:00 0 comments

    I found a few more problems with the board.  I had tied the RAM WE to the cartridge, but I connected it to the flash ROM's WE which I think was screwing it up.  I cut that trace, and then put pullups on the /WEs to the flash ROMS.  The flash ROM then starting putting out the correct data.  And right after that, the small test program started to correctly branch and go around the short loop.

    However, I checked the load instructions and that is not working.  I checked the input and output at the /LD gate, and the input is not toggling.  However, the ROM diodes which feed into the gate are toggling.  I checked connectivity and for some reason the trace is not connected from the diodes to the chip pins.  I checked the layout and it is connected correctly in CAD.  Looking at the trace looks good too.  But I ran out of time again, so it's a problem for tomorrow.  So close for the first test program running!

    update: I found the problem - when I had to reverse all of my diodes, one of the traces broke right at the pad.  I had to use the high power microscope to find it.  So I just scraped some solder resist off of the trace and soldered to it.  Connectivity restored!  I'll check the functionality later today.

  • Reversed ROM bytes

    Justin Davis07/27/2019 at 14:17 0 comments

    I got the program stepping through one instruction at a time so I could probe all my lines.  First thing I found out is that my bytes are swapped coming out of my ROM.  I didn't realize that the instruction was the lower byte and the data was the upper byte.  Of course it's obvious in the schematic, but I didn't put that together with the software.  I reprogrammed by flash ROM pretty quickly, but it still didn't run as expected.  For some reason after reprogramming, the ROM started to refuse to put out anything.  I put it back into my Arduino programmer, and it could read the values, so I'm not sure what changed.  I ran out of time, so that all for today.  I'll need to put more time into it.  But at least I'm knocking out problems one by one.

  • Small program no-go

    Justin Davis07/26/2019 at 16:38 3 comments

    Well, the short program did not execute as predicted.  The program got stuck constant executing a jump instruction back to the same instruction.  This makes sense if most of the memory is filled with all 1s - FFFF.  I could see both clocks running.  I will have to manually step through the instructions by controlling the clock.  Or manually feed instructions to verify they are being decoded correctly.  I know it is jumping because the program counters are being loaded, but I'm not sure if the correct location is being loaded. 

    I will also need to check to see the initial state of the Y register.  I assume it is powering up as all 0s.  If it powers up as all 1s, then when it gets to the branch instruction, it will jump to 0xFF00 instead of 0x0000.  I wonder if maybe I should add one extra instruction to load the Y register with 0x00 to ensure it will jump back to 0x0000.  I believe the machine instruction is 0x1400 (ld [D],Y) which I will put in address 1 so the new program would be:

      byteProgram(0x0000, 0x0000);
      byteProgram(0x0001, 0x1400);
      byteProgram(0x0002, 0x0002);
      byteProgram(0x0003, 0x0003);
      byteProgram(0x0004, 0x0004);
      byteProgram(0x0005, 0x0005);
      byteProgram(0x0006, 0x0006);
      byteProgram(0x0007, 0xfc00);
      byteProgram(0x0008, 0x0008);

  • Slooooow progress

    Justin Davis07/25/2019 at 12:02 1 comment

    I have had very little time to put into the project, but it is still my highest priority personal project.  I had to respin both the cart and the programmer board because of errors.  But I do have the cart able to store and readback a simple program.  Since my gigatron is not correctly running code yet, I loaded the first program the original gigatron ran into the flash cartridge - just simple loads and a jump as recommended by Marcel.  I have just finished verifying it on the cart, and need to analyze it running on the gigatron.

    I also found a few schematic errors because I did not copy the gigatron project exactly.  I fixed those on the gigatron by cutting traces and soldering jumper wires, but that did not immediately solve my problems.  So next up is functional testing with the custom code.

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Marcel van Kervinck wrote 12/17/2019 at 22:39 point

This should work better as a resolution doubler: Drive it at 12.5 MHz. 6 bits in, twice 3 bits out. The spare flip-flop can divide the 12.5 MHz clock and feed the rest of the system. An it's own select line. Just hardwire it's multiplexer inputs to a 1 and 0.

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Justin Davis wrote 12/18/2019 at 19:04 point

Oh ya that would work much better.

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Stefano wrote 07/03/2019 at 19:47 point

Reading about Gigatron I also was thinking that an old school matrix keyboard would be a good addition. Instead the joypad could be removed to simplify the base design. And in this way infact were the "home computers" of the days (instead of "game consoles" as the base Gigatron design would resemble). Same thing valid also for audio input that e.g. may allow to load programs with easy solutions (e.g. playing/recording mp3 files), and surely to have an expansion slot (with a full bus) to attach interfaces (e.g. the removed joypad one): this would allow an enormous amount of possibilities! (just I would put at the edge of the board)

Last thing I was also thinking that instruction set is not perfect and can be rearranged, simplified in a way and extended in another, even if I'm not still sure I fully agree with the carry extensions (even if 6502 teach to always add the carry) or the Gert ones for Chess (even if I tend to agree about removing the fixed 0 page), while I was wondering if a conditional skip instruction that just set an input carry unit to the program counter incrementer would be useful making also the spacefor other instructions  removing the necessity of conditional jumps. This argument should be pondered a lot and I think that compatibility can be broken for a new revision of this level.

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Marcel van Kervinck wrote 04/19/2019 at 19:53 point

Hi Justin, I was wondering if there's a way I can assist in debugging and get your board running? I could offer to make some reference traces for example, or setup a Skype call for interactive debugging. It would be a shame if it wouldn't get to life...

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Marcel van Kervinck wrote 01/21/2019 at 23:41 point

I was thinking as you seem stuck: perhaps you can program the EPROM with a simple loop, and see if that runs? And debug with a scope if it doesn't. E.g. something like this:

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