A 3d printable plastic enclosure for the 2018 Superconference badge, with a complete keyboard!
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Hackaday Belgrade.stepSTEP file 3d model of a populated badge board for modelling your own enclosure around.step - 16.91 MB - 11/12/2023 at 23:31 |
Supercon Badge Enclosure All Keys Recessed Letters.zipKeys with the letters recessed on them. Should be easier on the fingers than the ones with raised letters. Doesn't include the D-Pad or Space Bar models.application/x-zip-compressed - 23.13 MB - 10/30/2018 at 16:30 |
Supercon Badge Enclosure All Keys.zipAll of the keys with raised letters. This might not be so comfortable to type with. I had to compress it because it is a large file. This one also includes the Space Bar and the D-Pad. The "recessed letters" version in the other file is probably better.x-zip-compressed - 26.55 MB - 10/30/2018 at 14:56 |
Supercon Badge Enclosure Front.stlFront of the enclosure. A little tall, leaves plenty of room inside the enclosure. Print Inside down. Probably should put some felt around the bottom of the key holes so that it doesn't rattle. Might need a little extra plastic at the bottom of the key holes if it rattles too much.- 4.27 MB - 10/30/2018 at 14:24 |
Supercon Badge Enclosure Back.stlBack of the enclosure. Probably want to print it with the inside down for best results. Gonna need lots of support material... Needs 1/2" #4 screws to hold it together. A little worried about the acrylic backing I've heard that badges have. Can it be removed? Should I accommodate for it? This version doesn't.- 2.06 MB - 10/30/2018 at 14:23 |
The updated front panel finished up and I took it with me to the first day of Supercon around 5pm, where I got to assemble it.
It works! Everything fits!
The only thing I didn't get to try was the door for the expansion board; the board fits fine as you can see. I made a couple of changes to give it a little extra clearance and reuploaded the file.
So all of the files are good to use now! Go get them and print them, if you still have time!
After @Roger 's test print notes, and my own test print, I made necessary changes to the 3d models and have updated them!
The bezel around the monitor was set to truncate a little higher up, giving 4mm of clearance for the display, and the size was increased by about 1mm all around, and an extra half mm on the left side as per Roger's notes.
The base for the board was moved down by 4mm to accommodate the acrylic that is stuck to the back of the board as shipped.
Friction nubs and holes added to hold the expansion connector cover in place, and cleaned up a lot of details of the cover.
Clearances for the top row of keys were fixed so that they don't get stuck on the fillet for the screen, which was also made less deep.
Given all of those changes, I think we are good!
I've updated all of the files in the files section if you want to try and print your own, and I'm trying a second print in the "fine" resolution, which should be done about 10pm on Thursday.
I highly encourage others to download and print these files, especially those who actually already have a badge. Be sure to read the notes on each file for the recommended method of printing; I print with the inside down, so that the outside of the case remains smooth. This takes longer on account of the required support material, but I think it is the best way. to get a good result on the outside. The keys should probably be printed with a raft because their small size will cause them to break off of the bed mid print otherwise.
So, please test these latest models, and hopefully they work and we can have lots of folks at Supercon with nifty badge enclosures!
I'm doing Supercon prep work during the day and only have a few hours for my 3D printer to work at night. (Not going to leave it printing unsurpervised.) Last night I chose to print the front piece. Here it is on my Belgrade badge.
Good news: General component layout looks good. I didn't print the buttons to see how they fit, but there's nothing glaringly misplaced.
Bad news: It doesn't fit on the badge due to interference with the screen. My first guess is that the screen is thicker than the design allowed.
The screen thickness is in the datasheet, but the thing used to install it on the board (double-sided foam tape?) was not. My caliper says the sum adds up to a hair over 4mm thick. (It read 4.105, if that's useful, but it varies +/- ~0.05 from place to place due to the tape.) Directly pressing on a delicate LCD would be a risk, perhaps allowing for 4.5mm of screen thickness would still look good without an insightly gap?
Related: When displaying an image, the top, right, and bottom edges of the screen bezel dimension look good but the left border is really close to the display area. If the screen was mounted 0.5mm further to the left (I don't know the expected variance in placement location) the bezel would have blocked the leftmost part of the image.
I finished printing the first 12 hour test print. I printed in "draft" mode , so it might not be as pretty as it could be. Also, I only dropped one key and a spacebar and D-Pad into the test run. I'm pleased to report that everything fits and at least so far do not seem to bind when you press them, although I'll find out more when I actually have a badge to stick in it.
I shared the Fusion 360 files and added the link to the project info.
I also added all of the team members from the Hackaday Supercon badge project.
Finally, I started a 3d print in draft quality as a test. I'll have some idea about it in another 12 hours...
But now I should probably sleep.
I've no idea how I'm gonna be awake for the Superconference...
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This enclosure turned out great, I'm glad I got to see it in person. Nice work Tim!
Thank you so very much! It was a real crunch to get it out in time; I'm so glad the 2nd print was good!
Taking a little rest time now that supercon is over...
Dude! This is so well done, I'm blown away. How did you "colorize" the keys on the one with the red case and white keys? The black really pops. Fine tip sharpie? Spray and wipe?
I printed the 10/30 files. I had to trim around the screen for the case to close but otherwise it fit pretty well. What kind of screws did you have in mind for this? If you have any extras, find me at supercon with the yellow keys and gray case.
1/2" #4 screws
I don't have any of those, so I'm using some other screws that I have to chop down...
I put a few screws in my bag for you. I'll be heading over soon, although I'm not sure if I'm supposed to the Design Lab, the HQ, or the Pub first...
add potenciometer (rotor) key
meybe add near space alt key meybe arrow?
is possibe to add solar panel? not big but add it
I'm just making the case. The hardware is the Hackaday Superconference 2018 Badge, which is the same as the Hackaday Belgrade badge. So I don't really have the ability to add any of those things.
I added @Roger who I know has a Belgrade badge, so perhaps he can try it?
Sadly I wouldn't be able to help as much as I had hoped, because I've been roped into Supercon prep and there's a lot still to do before Friday 9AM. I'll pitch in where I can.
That's so cool, really nice! I don't have a 3D printer or I'd print one to bring. Maybe someone with a Belgrade badge and printer can try it?
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Loved seeing the bright colours of these at Supercon! It looked like a Pokedex! Gotta hack em all!