Working on a case for LoRaNicator
04/03/2019 at 20:35 • 0 comments -
Example Code
03/25/2019 at 18:32 • 0 commentsSome people asked if I already published the LoRaNicator source code. At the moment I don't have a LoRaNicator specific code. There are just two example codes merged together and modified . The RFM95 example code from Adafruit und the display example code from u8g2 lib.
See Adafruit Tutorial for a transmitter setup.If you still want to see my actual code, you can find a snippet here
That's it!
For tests with RTC, SD-Card, navigation switch etc, I just used Arduino example codes.
I'm not a programmer and my source code for AVR microcontrollers was always bad. Now, the SAMD21 is completely new for me and I've to figure out a couple of things and have to RTFM ;-)
LCD and a new On/Off Controller
03/08/2019 at 10:28 • 0 comments -
First board tests
03/04/2019 at 16:13 • 0 commentsStarted testing the hardware. Need another On/Off-controller since the current model allows only 2 seconds time frame for the feedback from microcontroller and the SAMD21 with Arduino bootloader needs ~2.5 seconds for booting and setting the GPIO to High.
Following initial tests passed (tested with example codes)
- RFM95 module
- I2C RTC (fixed a mistake in routing of I2C. SDA and SCL were swaped :( )
- uSD-card
- LiPo charger
- programming over USB
PCBs arrived :)
02/28/2019 at 16:37 • 0 comments -
Green light for pcb layout
02/08/2019 at 18:49 • 0 comments -
Starting with power
01/27/2019 at 21:35 • 0 commentsStarted with the power management today. A couple of month ago, I found a very interesting ic from ST, the SRC0. It's a small on/off controller, which can be connected to a SMPS, so the power supply can be enabled / disabled by a simple press of the push-button. Furthermore it has an input for external signal, to disable the power (e.g. from microcontroller).
01/26/2019 at 23:33 • 0 commentsAfter playing around with the first Prototype of LoPSy (LoRa Paging System ;-) ) and the first range test went well, I wanted to start with a new hardware revision.
The first hardware prototype contained a Nokia display, AI-Thinker Ra-02 433 MHz LoRa module and an ATmega328 µC.
For the new hardware revision I would like to replace the mentioned components and add few more functions.
Some requirements:
- SMPS instead of linear regulator
- 1-cell LiPo charger IC
- ATSAMD21 microcontroller (compatibility with Arduino Zero MKR (and Adafruit Feather?))
- Get rid of the Nokia Display
- uSD-card
- tiny pager motor
- buzzer
- to be defined...