This is the current stage in the construction of Marcus.
This is the current state of my fox head base for "Dr. Marcus Foxelhaus". The digital render by @Morning.Star . "Shaken Not Furred"
Oh, BTW I have placed bifocal lenses into the foam. The frames are just for effect and do look kind of cool.
Lets back up a little first. I attended Anthro Crossroads East 2019 in January and that was my first ever FurCon. I have always enjoyed and admired anthro/furry art since being a child , yes that includes Saturday cartoons in the 60's. My interest in furries and fursuits began to perk up several years ago and after attending my first furcon I was hooked and felt the need to take the plunge and make my own costume/fursuit.
Let me say that I can not draw or sketch. I am also stick figure challenged yet can paint landscapes and draft. Go figure :-)
I was split between fox or rabbit and the foxy side of me won out. I next needed a reference to go by for the look I wanted and chose this clip of art from - How to draw a fox step by step

I next needed to select a method of construction for the foam base and decided on this furry web site
This site for "Savoy" has a lot of great information for the making of a entire fursuit.
I decided that I did not want the look of a traditional Red Fox so searched the web for nature images of several other fox breeds and decided on a look and color mixed between a Bat Eared Fox,

And a Arctic Fox in summer fur colors.

Looks good! What kind of tracks do the paws leave?