
Gadget for Visually Impaired People (GVIP)

This simple & lightweight glove will help visually impaired people to sense their surroundings with a quick response rate.

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This simple & lightweight glove will help visually impaired people to sense their surroundings with a quick response rate.

This project is based on Time of Flight sensor. Visually impaired  people generally use stick in outdoor but in indoor condition stick is not convenient specially to detect a obstacle just in front of him or horizontally. This project is not the direct replacement of stick rather it will help blind people to detect object in front of him. Laser sensor is much faster than sonar sensor so its response time is faster. In this project when a obstacle is detected a vibration motor began vibrating by which visually impaired people can understand a obstacle has been detected. A small lithium ion battery has been in this device and user can charge it using any micro usb cable or mobile charger. Power consumption of this device is very low. 


This is the arduino code for this project.

ino - 1.24 kB - 05/17/2019 at 23:57



Schematic for This project.

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 321.79 kB - 05/17/2019 at 23:53


obstace_detector_image_2 (1).png

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 10.11 MB - 05/17/2019 at 23:52


  • 1 × Arduino Pro Mini Arduino Pro Mini is a Atmega328 microcontroller based Arduino. It's small and easy to use.
  • 1 × VL53L0X - Time of Flight Sensor This is a laser based sensor. It measure distance of obstacle.
  • 1 × Vibration Motor Vibration motor give the feedback to blind people when obstacle has been detected.
  • 1 × LED Led has been used to just debug the device from distance.
  • 1 × 3.7V Lithium ion Battery It gives power to the device

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  • 1
    Step - 1 : Collect all necessary component

    You can find component list in component list section

  • 2
    Step - 2 : Connection all componet

    Connect all component according to this diagram. You will need a good quality soldering iron to connect all together. 

  • 3
    Step - 3 : Connect Programmer

    To upload code in Arduino Pro Mini you will need a FTDI adapter or another arduino as programmer. (This image has been taken from Arduino Website)

View all 6 instructions

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