- On the left you can see a large ribbon connector. This allows you to connect a range of different types of display using one or both MIPI channels. It has multiple voltage rails, and bi-directional GPIOs at 1.8 & 3.3V. These are usually used for power-sequencing the display.
- On the right is the HDMI 1.4b connector.
- And at the top is the controlling MCU, which is an STM32 clone. This initializes the bridge chip via I2C.
- There are also some unpopulated pads, which seem to be for an optional I2S audio output.
Each board comes pre-configured for the displays that it comes with, but I have not yet figured out how to reconfigure a board to support an abitrary display. Mine came with support for these interesting round OLEDs, presumably intended for some kind of smartwatch...
Nice work!
Assuming I get this board/or your pcb built, what steps would I need in terms of flashing firmware/software to drive a display? Specifically, the "Innolux p068hfb-dk1" touchscreen..
I have access to the display's datasheet and timings, and just wanted to know a way of flashing that to the board, so I can use it with my intended display.
Is this doable yet?