Revision 4 adds a number of components to achieve dual-axis tracking.
Functional Design
Below is the block diagram of components:

One goal of this revision is to determine if the lower-end Cortex M0-based Arduino MKRZero can handle the complexity of this setup, or if an upgrade to a higher-performing MCU is required. Since changing an MCU is quite an effort, I am going to see first how the MKRZero handles:
- Using all IO pins to the last one, plus using serial, SPI and I2C
- The I2C bus now communicates with 11 devices (8x IO expander, 1x RTC, 1x Magnetometer, 1x GPS)
- For the TFT display I am going to use "float" datatypes to show higher resolution values, which will tax the MCU software math arithmetic
Board Layout & Components

This is very cool. Looking forward to seeing you mount some actual panels to your system.