The first thing i thought when buying my TDS3014 was "Oh no, it don't have an Ethernet port ... no way ! I can't live in this state ...".
When searching for a way to achieve peace of mind, I came across many used extension board for my scope : TDS3GV, TDS3EV, TDS3EM. On eBay they sell at an indecent price tag for used goods or old new stock with a shaming price.
And more then that, none of them really had what i wanted : Ethernet, WiFi, USB and a "modern" web interface.
So three choices :
- make one fitting my needs
- accept the absence of connectivity
- sell an arm
Don't know why, but the first choice was more appealing to me : lots of thing to learn in the process.
When i started this project, except some information about to unlock the possibilities of a TDS3K i found someone on the EEVBlog who posted two photos of a TDS3GV. Exactly what I needed to see if it was possible to do something. It was 2018.
Where did you find the 3.39 FW, on the tek site they have only 3.41.