This is long overdue: The last remnants of the old nacelle and motor tilt mount design must be swept away! It was buggy and is going to cause people issues when they try building the old October 2021 design release. Previous to this, I've been advocating for people to pull from the GitHub folders, but that was irresponsible, as the only proper action is to release a Hotfix. Being a bit of a perfectionist, I had been putting that off. Anyhow, at this snapshot of the master branch, I'm still in the middle of preparing the Version 2.1. release, so this tag/release is going to contain major spoilers!
Again, please use this release, or download files from the GitHub folders, don't use anything from last year!
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02/23/2022 at 19:41
This is a snapshot of some minor fixes, mainly to documentation. The NACA-Vented Hatch/Lid is present, and the tail has a -Full variant for those wanting to print it as a single piece. Be advised, the documentation had a dangerously incorrect image, Figure 16, which gives a false Center of Gravity measurement. Please use 26mm to 28mm from the leading edge. As usual, the GitHub repo contains the entire set, including 3MF files for 3D printing with a Creality CR-10.
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10/27/2021 at 00:08
New for October 2021, the Version 2 of the MiniHawk-VTOL. Files are prefixed with "MH7_"; this zip archive contains a subset of the GitHub repo contents, consisting of only the STLs, README, build pictures and configuration settings. The GitHub repo contains the entire set, including 3MF files for 3D printing with a Creality CR-10.
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17.14 MB -
10/03/2021 at 06:45