
The Child: Animatronic hack of Baby Yoda plush toy

I hacked apart The Child plush toy from the Mandalorian and added a robotic core.

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Here is my animatronic Baby Yoda for Halloween 2020. it is based on a Pololu Romi and a Hephaestus Arm V2.

The WPI RBE department lab kits from 2020 are merged together to form one robot. It hosts a WiFi network and a RC control website. The processor is the ESP32 and the cor libraries are Arduino RBE1001lib and lx16a-servo.

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wr636163 wrote 04/29/2022 at 21:44 point

I appreciate  that's products and this is great adventure for baby recently I impress with one websites that have to much information about baby walking  

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miguela18 wrote 11/12/2020 at 04:09 point

where can the kit for the robotic arm  and wheel base be purchased?

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Kevin Harrington wrote 04/13/2022 at 19:46 point

I added a link for you, it's anoher open source 3d printed project, so you buy the parts and print it yourself at the moment. 

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Doug LaRue wrote 11/05/2020 at 17:31 point

It looked like a cute project and then I saw your movement choreography. That looked fantastic so I had to look at what's underneath and again, wow. Looks like Baby Yoda has little legs but it's 'just' a 2 wheeled cart under there and a cool robot arm.  The third 'wow' was looking at the documentation for the Hephaestus Arm. Very well done.

I had just been looking at the Haddington Dexter robotic arm(v1 which is 3D printable by mortals) so it was quite refreshing to see such a completely documented robotic arm project.

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Kevin Harrington wrote 11/07/2020 at 14:26 point

Haddington Dexter is epic hardware, way above my price point here. The basic Hephaestus Arm v2 can be made for $85 in parts, which i'm trying to bring down with a custom PCB. We use this arm to teach robot kinematics and dynamics at WPI. Since each kid gets an arm as a kit, the instructions need to be battle tested against students building arms. So far we had 60 kids build a copy of this arm! 

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Doug LaRue wrote 11/07/2020 at 17:24 point

That is fantastic! The price is great too but getting these to students along with the cross platform tools like Bowler Studio, I suspect this is part of the education, is a big plus. I taught some HS kids to build a delta 3D printer they took home along with a bootable USB with all the software to run, create and customize the machine.  Some went way beyond just machine operators because they owned the machine and had the tools for further exploration. I'm learning CAD myself(FreeCAD) after years of OpenSCAD but will try to throw some time into Bowler Studio and putting a Hephaestus arm together. I see no base kits available in the bookstore should I start on the BOM or are there other options?  Looking at the electronics build I could help gen a KiCAD PCB to replace the protoboard. Soldering skills are a good skill to have and would add to reliability.

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David Smith wrote 10/30/2020 at 15:18 point

There seem to be a few different baby yoda plush toys available. None of the ones I've seen in some quick searching seem to quite match (hair and the necklace being key points missing). Could you provide a pointer to the one that you used or where you got the toy from?

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Brandon S wrote 10/30/2020 at 17:35 point

This is the one that we used in our build. It is a vinyl head, which does not have the hairs or the necklace, but you can print the necklace or buy it separately.

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Dan Maloney wrote 10/29/2020 at 21:18 point

"Hacked apart" Baby Yoda?

You're my hero.

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Kevin Harrington wrote 10/29/2020 at 21:40 point

TBH as an engineer, i rarely "hack" things, i usually design things and publish them open source. I am very proud to present to Hackaday my first publicly documented "Hack".  

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