
Multi-Domain Depth AI Usecases on the Edge

SLAM, ADAS-CAS, Sensor Fusion, Touch-less Attendance, Elderly Assist, Monocular Depth, Gesture & Security Cam with OpenVINO, Math & RPi

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Scenarios are countless when artificial intelligence is combined with depth perception on embedded devices. Therefore one solution may not be adequate to demonstrate the wide impact of Spatial AI on human life. This project consciously aims to touch upon multiple domains, by solving different Depth AI use cases on the edge. Owing to low power considerations, heavy emphasis has been given to mathematical algorithms, to assist and augment compute and power-intensive neural nets.

Domains & Solutions:
- Automotive: ADAS - Collision Avoidance System on Indian Cars
- Industrial Automation: Indoor Robot Localization with SLAM
- Wellness & Fitness: Navigational Assistance for Blind & Elderly
- Industrial Automation: Security Barrier Cam using Shape Context
- Disease Detection: Monocular Social Distance Tracker
- Safety & Security: Touch-less Attendance & Door Access
- Personal Security: Smart Cam with Gesture Alarm
- Industrial Safety: Worksite Helmet Monitoring

A multitude of use cases needs AI along with depth information for meaningful deployment in real-world scenarios. Let's dive deep into each mentioned solution, to experience the possibilities of Depth AI in various domains. The technical milestones and progress sequence of each solution would unfold in the "Project Log" section.

                                                                                                   Bill of Materials

                                                                     Consolidated Project Demo

Solution #1: ADAS - Collision Avoidance System on Indian Cars

India accounts for only 1% of total vehicles in the world. However, World Bank’s survey reports 11% of global road death happens in India, exposing the dire need to enhance road safety. Most of the developing countries like India pose a set of challenges, unique on their own. These include chaotic traffic, outdated vehicles, lack of pedestrian lanes and zebra crossings, animals crossing the road, and the like. Needless to say, most vehicles don't have advanced driver-assist features nor can they afford to upgrade the car for better safety.

Against this backdrop, this solution aims to augment even the least expensive cars in India with an ultra-cheap ADAS Level 0, i.e. collision avoidance and smart surround-view. Modern cars with a forward-collision warning (FCW) system or autonomous emergency braking (AEB) are very expensive, but we can augment such functions on old cars, at a low cost.

The idea is to use a battery-powered Pi connected with a LIDAR, Pi Cam, LED SHIM, and NCS 2, mounted on the car bonnet to perceive frontal objects with their depth and direction. This not only enables a forward-collision warning system but also driver assistance alerts about traffic signs or pedestrians, walking along the roadside, or crossing the road.

To build a non-blocking system flow, a modular architecture is employed wherein, each independent node is dependent on different hardware components. i.e., the "object detection" node uses Movidius for inference, whereas the "distance estimation" node takes LIDAR data as input, while the "Alert" module signals to Pimoroni Blinkt and the speaker. The modules are communicated via MQTT messages on respective topics.

Architecture Diagram

                                                3 independent MQTT nodes, each linked to different hardware, running on Pi

The time synchronization module takes care of the "data relevance factor" for Sensor Fusion. For ADAS, the location of detected objects by 'Node 1' may change, as the objects move. Thus, the distance estimate to the bounding box could go wrong after 2-3 seconds (while the message can remain in the MQTT queue). In order to synchronize, current time = 60*minutes + seconds is appended to the message (to ignore lagged messages at receiving end).

Watch the gadget plying the Indian Roads, giving driver-assist...

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Anti-Spoofing Technique for Touchless Attendance - Inverse Sigmoid Curve Fitting based on eye winks

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3D Sensor Fusion Projection Output

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Custom 3D Printed part: RPI-LIDAR Mount Part of the design taken from

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LIDAR Map generated while RPi integrated with LIDAR was traversing across different rooms in the house. The maps are sequentially joined to make the animation.

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Robot movement from x0 to x1 to x2 is characterised by 2 Gaussian functions

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View all 22 files

  • 1 × Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
  • 1 × Intel Movidius Neural Compute Stick
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi Camera Module V2
  • 1 × RPLIDAR A1 M8 by SLAMTEC
  • 1 × NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit

View all 33 components

  • Solution #2: Theory and Implementation of Graph SLAM

    Anand Uthaman10/25/2021 at 16:41 0 comments

    First, I have analyzed the computation of Graph SLAM step by step and then implemented the algorithm efficiently.

    Assume a robot in the 2D world, tries to move 10 units to the right from x to x'. Due to motion uncertainty, x' = x + 10 may not hold, but it will be a Gaussian centered around x + 10. The Gaussian should peak when x’ approaches x + 10

                                                 Robot movement from x0 to x1 to x2 is characterized by 2 Gaussian functions

    If x1 is away from x0 by 10 units, the Kalman Filter models the uncertainty using the Gaussian with (x1 – x0 – 10). Hence, there is still a probability associated with locations < 10 and > 10.

    There is another similar Gaussian at x2 with a higher spread. The total probability of the entire route is the product of the two Gaussians. We can drop the constants, as we just need to maximize the likelihood of the position x1, given x0. Thus the product of Gaussian becomes the sum of exponent terms, i.e. the constraint has only x’s and sigma.

    Graph SLAM models the constraints as System of Linear Equations (SLEs)
    , with a Ω matrix containing the coefficients of the variables and a ξ vector that contains the limiting value of the constraints. Every time an observation is made between 2 poses, a 'local addition' is done on the 4 matrix elements (as the product of gaussian becomes the sum of exponents).

    Let's say, the robot moves from x0 to x1 to x2 which are 5 and -4 units apart.

                                                                    Omega Matrix and Xi vector after 2 movements

    The coefficient of x’s and RHS values are added to corresponding cells. Consider the landmark L0 is at a distance of 9 units from x1.

                                                      Omega Matrix and Xi vector after considering landmark, L1                                   

    Once the Ω matrix and ξ vector is filled in, as shown above, compute the equation below to get the best estimates of all the robot locations:

                                                                                                 To estimate robot position

  • Solution #2: Custom Implementation of Graph SLAM

    Anand Uthaman10/25/2021 at 16:25 0 comments

    In order to do SLAM compute, you need to update the values in the 2D Ω matrix and ξ vector, to account for motion and measurement constraints in the x and y directions.

    ## Optimized implementation of Graph SLAM.
    ## slam takes in 6 arguments and returns mu, 
    ## mu is the entire path traversed by a robot (all x,y poses) *and* all landmarks locations
    def slam(data, N, num_landmarks, world_size, motion_noise, measurement_noise):
        coefficients = [1, -1, -1, 1]
        # initialize the constraints
        initial_omega_1, initial_xi_1, initial_omega_2, initial_xi_2 = \\
                                       initialize_constraints(N, num_landmarks, world_size)
        ## get all the motion and measurement data as you iterate
        for i in range(len(data)):
            landmarks = data[i][0]  # measurement
            motion = data[i][1]  # motion
            # setting measurement constraints
            for landmark in landmarks:
                # calculate indices in the same order as coefficients (to meaningfully add)
                index1 = [i, i, N+landmark[0], N+landmark[0]]
                index2 = [i, N+landmark[0], i, N+landmark[0]]
                # dx update
                initial_omega_1[index1, index2] = initial_omega_1[index1, index2] + \\
                                  np.divide(coefficients, measurement_noise)
                initial_xi_1[[i, N+landmark[0]]] = initial_xi_1[[i, N+landmark[0]]] + \\
                    np.divide([-landmark[1], landmark[1]], measurement_noise)
                # dy update
                initial_omega_2[index1, index2] = initial_omega_2[index1, index2] + \\
                                            np.divide(coefficients, measurement_noise)
                initial_xi_2[[i, N+landmark[0]]] = initial_xi_2[[i, N+landmark[0]]] + \\
                              np.divide([-landmark[2], landmark[2]], measurement_noise)
            index1 = [i, i, i+1, i+1]
            index2 = [i, i+1, i, i+1]
            # dx update
            initial_omega_1[index1, index2] = initial_omega_1[index1, index2] + \\
                                           np.divide(coefficients, motion_noise)
            initial_xi_1[[i, i+1]] = initial_xi_1[[i, i+1]] + \\
                                    np.divide([-motion[0], motion[0]], motion_noise)
            # dy update
            initial_omega_2[index1, index2] = initial_omega_2[index1, index2] + \\
                                           np.divide(coefficients, motion_noise)
            initial_xi_2[[i, i+1]] = initial_xi_2[[i, i+1]] + 
                                np.divide([-motion[1], motion[1]], motion_noise)
        ## To update the constraint matrix/vector to account for all measurements, 
        # measurement noise, motion and motion noise. Compute best estimate of poses
        # and landmark positions using the formula, omega_inverse * Xi
        mu_1 = np.linalg.inv(np.matrix(initial_omega_1)) * \\
                        np.expand_dims(initial_xi_1, 0).transpose()
        mu_2 = np.linalg.inv(np.matrix(initial_omega_2)) * \\
                        np.expand_dims(initial_xi_2, 0).transpose()
        mu = []
        for i in range(len(mu_1)):
            mu.extend((mu_1[i], mu_2[i]))
        return mu

     The complete source code and results of Custom SLAM implementation can be found in the IPython notebook here.

  • Addendum of Solution #2: Applications of SLAM

    Anand Uthaman10/25/2021 at 16:19 0 comments

    1) From the 2D LIDAR point cloud, use algorithms like Hough Transform to find the best fit line to generate floor maps.

    2) From the 3D LIDAR point cloud, construct a 3D map of surroundings using Structure from Motion techniques,

    • Use Detectors such as SIFT, SURF, ORB, Harris to find features like corners, gradients, edges, etc.
    • Use Descriptors such as HOG to encode these features.
    • Use Matchers such as FLANN to map features across images.
    • Use 3D Triangulation to reconstruct a 3D Point Cloud.

    3) We can use the idea of SLAM indoor navigation to deploy an autonomous mobile robot inside closed environments like airports, warehouses, or industrial plants.

    4) SLAM navigation can be combined with Solution #5 (Navigation Assist for Blind & Elderly) and Solution #4 (Gesture Cam) to create a full-fledged Elderly Assistance Gadget that can not only help navigate but also understand the surrounding objects and even gestures made by the elderly. If deployed on an SoC with onboard IMU such as Pico4ML then the gadget can identify its own motion as a gesture.

  • Solution #2: Remote LIDAR map visualization & Multi-threading

    Anand Uthaman10/25/2021 at 16:08 0 comments

    Using PyRoboViz, I have visualized the 2D LIDAR map in real-time on Pi itself. However, while the visualization is on, the 'read descriptor bytes' from LIDAR occasionally flagged an error while scanning.

    As a workaround, I have re-routed the real-time visualization of LIDAR map to a remote machine using MQTT. The robot position, angle, and map were encoded as a byte array that is decoded at the MQTT client as below.

    # At the MQTT Transmission side
        data2Transmit = np.array([x, y, theta])
        # Map which is saved as a bytearray is appended at the end
        if scan_count % 30 == 0:
            client.publish("safetycam/topic/slamviz", \\
                               data2Transmit.tobytes() + mapbytes)
    # At the MQTT receiving side
        # As 3 float values takes 8*3 = 24 bytes
        robotPos_bytes = msg.payload[:24]
        map_bytes = msg.payload[24:]
        robotPos = np.frombuffer(robotPos_bytes, dtype='float64')
        robotPos = np.array(robotPos)
        x, y, theta = robotPos
        viz.display(x / 1000., y / 1000., theta, map_bytes)

    The only downside of this method is the slow rendering of the LIDAP map on the remote machine. You can increase the speed by reducing the MQTT publish frequency or reducing the map size. 

    Later I found a better fix to the above 'read descriptor bytes' problem while scanning. The solution was to write the LIDAR scan method as a separate thread and keep the visualization as a separate thread while devising a mechanism for the threads to communicate.

    The multi-threaded implementation can be found in the repository here

  • Power Requirement Analysis and Alternate Hardware Implementations

    Anand Uthaman10/25/2021 at 12:58 0 comments

    We can optimize power consumption based on the use case at hand. Even for the discussed solutions, alternate hardware can provide a more optimized implementation.

    Let's discuss the power consumption of the above solutions under various settings.

    a) Power Specification of Components

    First, lets look at the power specification of each component used. Based on the measurements by RaspiTV and Pidramble [15] [16], here are some estimates:

    • Raspberry Pi Zero (Idle) = 80mA * 5V = 0.4 W[Watts = Voltage x Current]
    • Raspberry Pi 2B (Idle) = 220mA * 5V = 1.1 W
    • Raspberry Pi 3B (Idle) = 260 mA * 5V = 1.4 W
    • Raspberry Pi 4B (Idle) = 540 mA * 5V = 2.7 W
    • RPi Zero 1.3 & Pi cam = 180 - 230 mA = 0.9 - 1.1 W (For 720p - 1080p)
    • Raspberry Pi 3B and Pi cam = 460 mA * 5 = 2.3 W (To shoot 1080p video)
    • Raspberry Pi 4B and Pi cam = 640 mA * 5 = 3.2 W (To shoot 1080p video)

    You can drop the frame resolution of Pi Cam to save some power. RPi Cam draws 260 mA to shoot 1080p while only 180 mA for 720p. Raspberry Pi Zero 1.3 with Pi Cam draws only 0.9 W power while 720p video is being shot.

    Now consider Movidius NCS and LIDAR,

    • Movidius NCS 2 = 180 mA On 5V USB = 0.9 W

    Based on RPLIDAR A1 Power Supply Specification [17],

    • RPLIDAR A1 M8 = Scanner system + Motor system = 300 + 100 (Work Mode) * Voltage = 400 mA * 5V = 2W

    For Door Access Control and Indoor Navigational Assistance use cases, you can usea Proximity Sensor instead of LIDAR.

    • HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor = 15 mA * 5 = 75mW
    • Grove Ultrasonic sensor = 8mA * 5 = 40 mW

    For Luxonis OAK-D DepthAI Hardware, the total power consumption usually stays around 800-900ma, with cameras and the DepthAI SoM. The power expense of OpenMV Cam H7 is less than 150 ma andPico4ML is 40 ma in idle mode and 60 ma while running ML models.

    b) Power Requirement of Solutions

    The solutions with mathematical hacks are feasible to execute on Raspberry Pi Zero 1.3 at least power cost. It is trivial to port the above solutions across various models of Pi or OAK-D, as it supports OpenVINO and MYRIAD. Even to Depth AI hardware like OpenMV Cam H7 or Pico4ML, it is easy to port some use-cases with serious power gains.

    The power requirement of ported, OAK-D, OpenMV Cam & Pico4ML are given under "Ported", "OAK-D", "Open MV", and "Pico4ML" heads respectively.

    1) ADAS - Collision Avoidance System on Indian Cars

    Better run this on a recent RPi model, as response time is critical here.

    • Current: RPi 4B + Cam + Movidius + LIDAR = 3.2 + 0.9 + 2 = 6.1W
    • Ported: RPi 3B + Cam + Movidius + LIDAR = 2.3 + 0.9 + 2 = 5.2 W
    • OAK-D: RPi 3B + OAK-D = (260 + 800) * 5 = 5.3 W

    2) Indoor Robot Localization with SLAM

    If no point cloud visualization, it is enough to use Raspberry Pi 2B or 3B.

    • Current: RPi 4B + LIDAR = 2.7 + 2 = 4.7W
    • Ported: RPi 2B + LIDAR = 1.1 + 2 = 3.2W

    3)Touch-less Attendance & Door Access Control

    This solution can run on Raspberry Pi Zero 1.3with Movidius, though the frame rate can fall from 12-20 to 4-8 FPS which is decent enough. LIDAR can be replaced with an ultrasonic sensor for depth perception.

    OpenMV Cam H7 has Haar Cascade Face Detection, but better to use DL for Face Recognition in a security use case. However, OpenMV Cam is a good alternative as eye-tracking & optical flow is handled in the hardware.

    • Current: RPi 3B + Cam + NCS + LIDAR = 2.3 + 0.9 + 2 = 5.2W
    • Ported: RPi 0 + Cam + NCS + U-sonic sensor = 80 + 180 + 180 + 8 =2.24 W
    • OAK-D: RPi 3B + OAK-D = (260 + 800) * 5 = 5.3 W

    4) Indoor Navigational Assistance for Blind & Elderly

    This solution can easily be ported to Raspberry Pi 2B but it's ideal to use OAK-D here as it can do depth sensing, object detection, and tracking as well.

    • Current: RPi 3B + Cam + Movidius = 2.3 + 0.9 = 3.2W
    • OAK-D: RPi 2B + OAK-D = (220 + 800) * 5 = 5 W

    5) Smart Cam with Gesture Alarm for Women Security

    Our efficient solution based on linear algebra can be executed on Raspberry Pi Zero. However, OpenMV Cam is ideal for this use case, as it can do circle detection, and blob centroid...

    Read more »

  • Addendum for Summary: Industrial Safety - Worksite Helmet Monitoring

    Anand Uthaman10/25/2021 at 12:49 0 comments

    A very useful industrial solution could be the detection of people not wearing helmets in worksites and giving warnings for their safety. To demonstrate, see the output of the YOLOX model trained with this dataset using roboflow.


    YOLOX is a high-performance YOLO, particularly suited for edge as it supports ONNX, TensorRT, and OpenVINO. Hardware optimization of the trained model to OpenVINO model is discussed in Solution #5.

  • Soln #6B: Social Distance Monitoring using Monocular images

    Anand Uthaman10/25/2021 at 09:58 0 comments

    I have implemented the below algorithm to solve a Depth AI use case - Social Distance Monitoring - using monocular images. The output of the algorithm is shown at the bottom.

    a) Feed the input image frames every couple of seconds

    b) Fuse the disparity map with the object detection output, similar to visual sensor fusion. More concretely, find the depth of those pixels inside each object bounding box to compute the median to estimate the object depth.

    c) Find the centroid of each object bounding box and map the corresponding depth to the object.

    d) Across each object in the image, find the depth difference and also (x, y) axis difference. Multiply depth difference with a scaling factor.

    e)Use the Pythagoras theorem to compute the Euclidean distance between each bounding box considering depth difference as one axis. The scaling factor for depth needs to be estimated during the initial camera calibration.

      # Detections contains bounding boxes using object detection model
      boxcount = 0
      depths = []
      bboxMidXs = []
      bboxMidYs = []
      # This is computed to reflect real distance during initial camera calibration
      scalingFactor = 1000 
      # Depth scaling factor is based on one-time cam calibration 
      for detection in detections:
          xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = detection
          depths.append(np.median(disp[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax]))
          size = disp.shape[:2]
          # disp = draw_detections(disp, detection)
          xmin = max(int(detection[0]), 0)
          ymin = max(int(detection[1]), 0)
          xmax = min(int(detection[2]), size[1])
          ymax = min(int(detection[3]), size[0])
          boxcount = boxcount + 1
          cv2.rectangle(disp, (xmin, ymin), (xmax, ymax), (0,255,0), 2)
          cv2.putText(disp, '{} {}'.format('person', boxcount),
                   (xmin, ymin - 7), cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX, 0.6, (0,255,0), 1)
      for i in range(len(bboxMidXs)):
          for j in range(i+1, len(bboxMidXs)):
              dist = np.square(bboxMidXs[i] - bboxMidXs[j]) + 
              # check whether less than 200 to detect
              # social distance violations
              if np.sqrt(dist) < 200:
                  color = (0, 0, 255)
                  thickness = 3
                  color = (0, 255, 0)
                  thickness = 1
              cv2.line(original_img, (int(bboxMidXs[i]), int(bboxMidYs[i])), 
                    (int(bboxMidXs[j]), int(bboxMidYs[j])), color, thickness)

    Input Image:

                                                                       Out of 4 people in the image, two are very close

    Disparity Map - Object Detection Fusion:

                                                     Only the depth info inside bounding boxes are considered for estimation

    Output Image:

                                                               People who are near are marked in red, others in green

    The people who don't adhere to minimum threshold distance are identified to be violating the social distancing norm, using a monocular camera image.

  • Soln #6A: License Plate detection using Computer Vision

    Anand Uthaman10/25/2021 at 07:59 0 comments

    I have used computer vision to detect the license plate of the approaching car. Since the car comes near the security barrier to a predefined distance, we can predefine a minimum and maximum contour area to locate the license plate in an image.

    img = cv2.imread("car.png")
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    ret, gray = cv2.threshold(gray, 250,255,0)
    # applying different thresholding techniques on the input image
    # all pixels value above 120 will be set to 255
    ret, thresh2 = cv2.threshold(img, 120, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY_INV)
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(thresh2, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    contours, _ = cv2.findContours(gray, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
    for cnt in contours:
        approx = cv2.approxPolyDP(cnt, 0.01*cv2.arcLength(cnt, True), True)
        # The area constant is computed by the expectation of
        # how near the car can come near the security barrier
        if len(approx) == 4 and cv2.contourArea(cnt) > 1000:
            # Draw the License Plate Contour
            cv2.drawContours(img, [approx], 0, (0), 5) 
    cv2.imshow("shapes", img)

  • Soln #6A: Deep Learning + Shape Context for License Plate Recognition

    Anand Uthaman10/25/2021 at 07:54 0 comments

    We can use a combination of Deep Learning and Shape Context to detect and identify license plates. DL to detect the vehicle and corners of the license plate and Shape Context to recognize the alpha numerals in the license plate. See the OpenVINO model is able to detect the vehicle and license plate as shown below.

                                                                                     Vehicle and License Plate detection
    • After finding the corners of the license plate, compute the perspective transform matrix and warp the license plate to get a frontal projection.
    • Preprocess the frontal image to get ROI and run contour detection. Filter unnecessary contours based on the shape and size of the contour.
    • Apply shape context matching on each contour to identify the alphabets and numerals in the license plate.

    See the output of shape context detection on different Indian license plates:

                                                                   Shape Context Detection results on Indian license plates

  • Soln #6A: Efficient OCR using Shape Context descriptor

    Anand Uthaman10/25/2021 at 07:47 0 comments

    The mathematical descriptor known as Shape Context uses log-polar histograms to encode relative shape information. This can be used to extract alphabet shapes from an image efficiently. The implemented algorithm is as below.

    • Log-polar histogram bins are used to compute & compare shape contexts using Pearson’s chi-squared test [12]
                                                                                                 Pearsons Chi-squared Test
    • It captures the angle and distance to randomly sampled (n-1) points of a shape, from the reference point
    • To identify an alphabet, find the pointwise correspondences between edges of an alphabet shape and stored base image alphabets. [12]
                                          (a-b) Sampled Pts (c) Log-Bin Histogram (d-f) Shape Contexts (g) Pointwise Correspondence
    • To identify an alphabet or numeral, find character contours in an image. Filter out the contours based on size and shape to keep the relevant ones.
    • Compare contours with each shape inside the base image. The base image contains all the potential characters, both alphabets, and numerals.
    • Find the character with the lowest histogram match score
    • Do the above for all character contours, to extract the whole text.
    # This code builds the shape context descriptor, which is the core of our alphanumeral comparison
            # points represents the edge shape
            t_points = len(points)
            # getting euclidian distance
            r_array = cdist(points, points)
            # for rotation invariant feature
            am = r_array.argmax()
            max_points = [am / t_points, am % t_points]
            # normalizing
            r_array_n = r_array / r_array.mean()
            # create log space
            r_bin_edges = np.logspace(np.log10(self.r_inner), np.log10(self.r_outer), self.nbins_r)
            r_array_q = np.zeros((t_points, t_points), dtype=int)
            for m in xrange(self.nbins_r):
                r_array_q += (r_array_n < r_bin_edges[m])
            fz = r_array_q > 0
            # getting angles in radians
            theta_array = cdist(points, points, lambda u, v: math.atan2((v[1] - u[1]), (v[0] - u[0])))
            norm_angle = theta_array[max_points[0], max_points[1]]
            # making angles matrix rotation invariant
            theta_array = (theta_array - norm_angle * (np.ones((t_points, t_points)) - np.identity(t_points)))
            # removing all very small values because of float operation
            theta_array[np.abs(theta_array) < 1e-7] = 0
            # 2Pi shifted because we need angels in [0,2Pi]
            theta_array_2 = theta_array + 2 * math.pi * (theta_array < 0)
            # Simple Quantization
            theta_array_q = (1 + np.floor(theta_array_2 / (2 * math.pi / self.nbins_theta))).astype(int)
            # building point descriptor based on angle and distance
            nbins = self.nbins_theta * self.nbins_r
            descriptor = np.zeros((t_points, nbins))
            for i in xrange(t_points):
                sn = np.zeros((self.nbins_r, self.nbins_theta))
                for j in xrange(t_points):
                    if (fz[i, j]):
                        sn[r_array_q[i, j] - 1, theta_array_q[i, j] - 1] += 1
                descriptor[i] = sn.reshape(nbins)

View all 25 project logs

  • 1
    Smart Cam with Gesture Alarm - Math Model

    The source code can be found here:

    Preparing to Run

    To run the object tracking and gesture recognition code,


    Note: The twilio account details need to be filled in correctly in file in order to get alert messages on mobile.

    To enable alarm simulation with Pimoroni Blinkt! execute

  • 2
    Gesture Recognition models using OpenVINO

    The source code can be found here:

    To run Gesture (American Sign Language - ASL) Recognition models using OpenVINO

    python3 -m_a OV2021_models/asl-recognition-0004.xml -m_d OV2021_models/person-detection-asl-0001.xml -i 0 -c <omz_dir>/data/dataset_classes/msasl100.json

    Supported Models

    • asl-recognition-0004
    • common-sign-language-0001
    • common-sign-language-0002
    • person-detection-asl-0001

    if you get an error on module import, then add this path: <omz_dir>/demos/common/python to the system path.

  • 3
    Indoor Navigational Assistance for Blind & Elderly

    The source code can be found here:

    How to use?

    To run the openvino models in RPI,

    python3 -d MYRIAD -i 0 --labels <omz_dir>/data/dataset_classes/voc_20cl_bkgr.txt -m <intel openvino model directory>/face-detection-0200/FP32/face-detection-0200.xml -at ssd

    To detect an object of your choice, we need to follow these steps:

    • Data Generation: Gather images of similar objects.
    • Image Annotation: Label the objects with bounding box.
    • API Installation: Install TensorFlow Object Detection API.
    • Train & Validate Model: Using annotated images.
    • Freeze the Model: To enable mobile deployment.
    • Deploy and Run: In mobile or virtual environment.

    Now we need to convert the generated XML files to a format suitable for training. Download the project from here and use FoodDetection.ipynb to convert the generated XML files to CSV. Generate TFRecord files using code adapted from this raccoon detector to optimize the data feed. The train &test data are separately handled in the code. Modify the train folder name in the TFRecord generator .py file, if you wish to train other data-sets.

    TFRecord is TensorFlows binary storage format. It reduces the training time of your model, as binary data takes up less space and disk read more efficient.

    ipython notebook FoodDetection.ipynb
    mv test.record data
    mv train.record data

    API Installation

    We will use MobileNet model for the neural network architecture and Single Shot Detection to locate the bounding boxes. Mobilenet-SSD architecture is designed to use in mobile applications. 

    To install TensorFlow Object Detection API, download and unzip TensorFlow Models from the repository here and execute the commands below.

    cd models/research/
    pip install protobuf-compiler
    protoc object_detection/protos/*.proto - python_out=.
    set PYTHONPATH=<cwd>\models\research;<cwd>\models\research\slim
    cd ../../

View all 10 instructions

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sarang-git wrote 11/05/2021 at 09:28 point

hats off ..

  Are you sure? yes | no wrote 10/30/2021 at 15:30 point

You have explained it in simple terms. All the best Anand

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sanjeev.karaddi wrote 10/30/2021 at 12:39 point

Inspiring, I admire your work for integrating technology for social cause. 

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Fathima.saleem wrote 10/30/2021 at 05:49 point

good one ✌

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Abhi001vj wrote 10/30/2021 at 05:23 point

Very detailed and easy to understand explanations, thank you for sharing 

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Shefalee.wardha wrote 10/27/2021 at 06:30 point

Keystone work in AI.

Absolutely marvellous.

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safvan.ck42 wrote 10/27/2021 at 05:56 point

Nice one!

Well explained 👍🏼

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