Why do I need this? Well, you should be able to see through walls, maybe it's pretty, I'll figure out a use after it's done. The lens may make for a cheap directional boost for long distance communication.
I've already modifed Marlin to have a M57 code, that reports back the voltage level of one of the analog pins connected to the antenna, in hex, back through the serial connection. Next I need to build a program that takes the hex data, and assembles it into a bitmap image. Co-ordinate, take sample, rinse, repeat.
I'm Going to try copper head gasket spray on the ABS lens (instead of sputtering), once the detector has been proved working.
Phase two detector will look like a radar dish, for faster refresh rate, but those mercury slip rings are expensive.
Why normal copper wire not working?
The radio wave deforms at the edges. It can be any edge