1Circuit board
The circuit can be constructed on good quality strip board (.1" pitch) and requires only a few tracks to be cut and some larger holes drilled depending on the slide switch available. Track cutting is easy using a sharp 5mm twist drill in your fingers and twisting it in the through hole until the track is clearly separated. (Clean away the swarf)
2Adding components
BOth the Nano and the Ms5611 are usually supplied with header pins. The PCB has been designed so that the only header pins installed are on active points. This allows the simplest layout, lets signals cross under the boards and the least soldering. The easiest way to do this is to place the required header pins in a section of prototyping breadboard and solder them to the nano and ms5611 prior to insertion into the circuit board. The resistors and wire links should be soldered in first, however. The last step is to solder on the slide switch, battery snap and piezo speaker.
3Configure via Serial Port
Assure you have a terminal emulator such as TERATERM installed or use the Serial Monitor in the Arduino IDE and attach the vario via a USB cable to your PC. Attach at 9600 bps, N, 2.
Type "?" and press Enter. The current settings should be displayed.
To modify settings, type as follows:
"S nnn" where nnn= sink alarm value in fpm (Minimum is 200fpm)
"D nnn" where nnn= threshold to detect lift in fpm (default is 30fpm)
"B nnnn" where nnnn= lowest audio frequency to start at in Hz (400-600 range)
"R n" where n=1-8 sets the rate at which the beep rate increases with lift
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