
SludgeCo [gd0016]

Air purifiers for my war against dust.

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This project is an aim to monitor and purify the air using a fleet of mini air purifiers with the most sensors as my budget allows.

Essentially superseded by #TrueTent TempLab [gd0143] when I found out just how much airflow and activated carbon is actually need to keep a room filtered.

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    kelvinA05/26/2022 at 21:27 0 comments

    I conceptualised this project probably years ago at this point. I did quite a bit of research on air particle detectors and what sensors give readings that would be benificial to me, such as a sensor that detects when the air is stale.

    For air purifying, I wanted to try a more decenteralized approach to improve filtration speed and air circulation. Thus, I'm thinking of a few of these which all charge on a docking station.

    Here's a render of the idea which I created moments ago:

    I'm trying out DOF in Fusion 360's rendere for the first time.
    This wasn't the first idea I came up with. The first one looked like the grey section expanded all the way to the inner corners of the white brackets, and that said grey section was black.

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