
Email Alerts

A project log for Vending Machine for Birds

Simple, inexpensive bird feeder that dispenses peanuts in exchange for dropping stuff in a hole. A vending machine for clever birds.

stephen-chaseyStephen Chasey 07/24/2024 at 19:584 Comments

I've added email alerts so I can know when a bird has dropped someting in the hole. It also helps know which videos will show deposit events. It uses the python library smtplib and using it with gmail is pretty straightforward.

The feeder started the day with plenty of litter.

And ended up almost empty.

32 deposit events. Only one by a pigeon :)

Email alert changes are checked in to

Set the SMTP config constants at the top of the file. You can  create a thread to call this from any function and pass an event name.


Paul McClay wrote 07/25/2024 at 06:32 point

Has any bird brought an object from outside the tray yet? 

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Stephen Chasey wrote 07/26/2024 at 21:46 point

Not yet. That's the holy grail of these things.

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Paul McClay wrote 07/27/2024 at 09:14 point

That sounds like it's not commonly achieved. Has anyone managed it (that you know of)?

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Stephen Chasey wrote 07/27/2024 at 10:01 point

Just a few have been successful at this.

- Christophe Vieren
- Steve Joy
- Hans Forsberg
- Tomas and Olof Morsing

I have a page describing other similar projects I've found here (including the guys above):

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