
Tower clock

Freeform Attiny 816 driven clock

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This is an Attiny 816 / 1616 based clock, partly made with PCB and partly freeform. With a less than one second per day drift (as I write) it's precise enough to be used reliably.
It has a seven segment display driven by two shift registers, a piezo souder, a photodiode circuit to adapt display dimming to ambient light, and it uses a watch crystal to provide the clock ticking. It uses USB C to provide current, and has provision for a backup battery, so the time is kept when the power is lost (this part is not implemented yet).

The PCB have been designed to be modular, and a base for several freeform clocks. In fact this one is the second clock, the first one I made will soon have its own project page.

This will be my entry to the 2022 sci-fi contest. I think the shape fits well with the theme.

The very first program I wrote for my first Arduino was a clock. I had no components at hand, so it used the embedded led on pin 13 to display the time, with series of pulses. And of course it drifted a lot, as the Nano's resonator is not intended to be neither precise nor accurate.

This was somewhere around 2013, and since then I've often came back to clocks,, trying to make them more reliable. This PCB is first time I obtain something I consider usable.

More details are available about specific parts of the project in the logs above.

Code is available on github (see link on the left), as well as PCB files.

A big thank you for a few persons and their projects :
SpenceKonde and his MegaTinyCore, which made this project easy by porting the Attiny Series 1 to Arduino, and exposing how a UPDI programmer can be made.
yakwsx and his Kikit Kicad plugin, which make panelizing a snap. Without this program I probably wouldn't have made this project. Several PCB would have been several Kicad files, several order to JLCPCB, and as much trouble.
Jiří Praus and Mohit Bhoite, and others, both for the inspiration their creativity brings, but also for their youtube tutorials, videos, interview at Hackaday,, where they share their knowledge, tips and tricks.

  • Counting seconds. Accurately.

    Pierre-Loup M.04/23/2022 at 20:48 3 comments

    I don't know if you ever tried to measure time with a microcontroller ? It's quite good for order of magnitude, or for comparing several duration, but when it comes to precisely keep track of the time, it's another story entirely. Let's have a look at what solutions are available (in an Arduino context).

    You can use millis().
    No, it's a joke.

    You can use a dedicated timer and its interrupts. The first step in the right direction. Most (if not all, I don't know !) microcontrollers have hardware timers. On Atmega 328p (Arduino Uno, Nano, etc.) you have three timers, two 8 bits (timers 0 and 2) and one 16 bits (timer 1). The first is used by millis(), the second is used by the Servo library, if my brain serve well (in french that would be a pun ! Servo / cerveau), the third by Tone. PWM uses either of the three, following the pin you want to use.
    A 16 bit timer seems to be a good choice to keep track of the time. You can use the prescaler to make it tick every seconds, or you can use it at its fastest speed, count overflows and at a regular interval change the overflow value to get a round count to one second. By using this, you soon discover that your resonator doesn't run at 16MHz, but more to some 16MHz-ish speed. Ok, no problem, you just need to compensate it by comparing against a known accurate time. But then you realize that the clock that was too fast ten minutes ago is know too slow. And we are talking about several seconds over ten minutes. Dead-end. The main problem here is that microcontroller boards use resonators as clock, not quartz. And their precision is far from good on long term. We are talking about ±0.5% absolute precision and ±0.2% drift with temperature. 0.2% is 172 seconds per day, or 7 seconds per hour.

    One side note : when using this kind of visual synchronization, you also quickly realize that most of the devices you think are precise, are not that much. On my smartphone the 59th second of every minute is only half a second, I believe that every minutes it receives a reference tick from my network or the service provider. Between those reference ticks it relies only on its internal circuitry, which boils down to the resonator accuracy exposed above. My computer is not a good choice either : With a simple processing sketch, I can visually measure quite a difference between the processing update, which seems reliable, and the clock update on my taskbar.

    The first thing that comes to mind when you've tried this is "use a RTC module ! They are readily available for a few euros (or dollars if you count with them), and they are made for keeping track of time". Yes. That's what I did. Maybe I was unlucky, but the one I tried was far from beeing anything near reliable. several seconds drift per hour. Maybe they (DS1307) can be calibrated, but the datasheet doesn't explain how.

    On Atmega 328p, if you read the datasheet, you learn that the microcontroller has an internal 8 MHz oscillator that it can run on (that should be enough for a clock !) and the datasheet claims that it can be very accurately calibrated by the user. Promising ! You can indeed calibrate this oscillator, and the difference is immediately visible. I've stopped at "this value set on the calibration byte gives a too slow clock, but the value immediately above is too fast". I don't know if it's stable on long term, because I couldn't have a frequency that is multiple of a second. The calibration process I've used, exposed hereafter, could make it a valid choice. Need to test it one day.

    On atmega 328p again, if you read the datasheet further, you also learn that Timer 2 can run asynchronously. That is, it can take its reference from the same clock as the CPU, but it can also use another one, like a pulse input on a specific pin, or an external resonator. If you correlate this with the previous point, that means that you could run the whole microcontroller on its internal clock at 8 MHz, and use a 32.768 kHz crystal to clock the Timer...

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  • Design choices.

    Pierre-Loup M.04/23/2022 at 15:01 0 comments

    It's been a long time since I wanted to give a try at freeform circuits (or circuit sculpture, call them how you like). And preferably a clock, because it's probably the most obvious thing can be useful in everyday life. In fact, the clock should have an old calculator VFD display. The ones I saved here and there will one day come to life again.

    So. Clock, freeform. Freeform, but there's a catch : I'm quite lazy. Planning something too complex was the best way to start nothing at all. And a display, two shift register, a microcontroller, quartz, photodiode and amplification circuit, plus a safety cell start to be something complex, at least if every connection has to be hand made, and hand shaped. That's roughly 120 wires to cut, form, etc. Plus, I love the esthetic of PCBs. Making a PCB that groups functions on several individual boards could be a good base for several different geometries, and that will easy the freeform assembly.

    The circuit has been subdivided in three (four) different circuits :

    • Main board. This contains the Attiny 816. Side note : I was planning to used an Attiny 1616 instead, but you've maybe heard of ship shortage ? That's this thing that makes you design a board not following the functions you need, but what you can source before two years have past. Seriously, for some projects I work on, we had to revise the design not to correct bugs, but to accomodate for different references or footprints that are available...
      Attiny 816, connectors to other boards, crystal (dedicated log to come), photodiode and its amplification circuit. There is also a UPDI port for programing, and while I've followed Microchip recommendations for this footprint, I should not have. On next revision I'll use the three pin connector recommended by SpenceKonde of MegaTinyCore (which is the Arduino plugin used for programming the Attiny series 1). The three pins have two advantages : less real estate used, and it's symmetrical, so can be used from both faces. And I quickly realized that it's not useful : it's essential, given how constrained space can become on this kind of project. :D
      There are three connections for buttons, to set time. I didn't know while designing PCB what would be those buttons, so I just provisioned ports. They could be capacitive buttons, classic tact buttons, or freeform. After all, a button is a device that shorts a circuit, so let's be creative ! On future revision I'll probably add a button board : I don't like capacitive that much (mostly because I prefer the tactile feedback of a button), and "wire buttons" do not inspire confidence.
    • Power board. Quite straightforward. A USB port. It's the first time I use USB C connector. They are available in a wide variety, from completely implemented USB C to power only, with USB 2 in between. On this board there is a power led, a provision for connecting a coin cell for data saving in case of power loss, and a few resistors (USB C asks that you place pull-down resistors on CC1 & CC2 lines when replacing USB B or micro B).
    • Shift register boards. There are two of them. One is used for providing VCC to each segment, the other to provide GND connection for active digit. The SR can be mounted on either side of the board, the output ports are symmetrical. The idea is that two boards can face one another, the inputs pins are aligned (except of course the data pin, as they are chained), and each output pin face a non-connected pin on the other board. That way the two boards form a strong assembly with 16 wires forming two 8 bits "data bus", going from their pins on one board, to "mechanical" pins on the other. And following how we want to place things in space, SR can be mounted to either face.
      The drawback of this is that the boards virtually becomes a "two-sided one-side PCB", as there is no room for vias. At least on the size I wanted not to exceed. It contrains the port to map the SR pins one on one. Initially the connection were supposed to match with the main board. That's...
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  • Why is there a 8x8 matrix display at the top ?

    Pierre-Loup M.04/23/2022 at 08:37 0 comments

    You may notice that while I mention a seven segment display in the description, and in other logs, there is no such display on half of the pictures of the clock. There is a reason to that.

    A few weeks back, there was a beautiful project shared on hackaday, about a big led matrix becoming a smaller one (and another form factor) thanks to fiber optics. I've really loved it, and as I was planning the first clock I thought I had to try to display time on a seven segment display, from an 8x8 led matrix, using fiber optics. Ordered some fibers, some small 2x2cm matrix display, and wait for them to arrive.

    The clock has been assembled with that in mind : the led matrix on top of the clock, and one fiber optic going  from each dot of the matrix to one segment of a 7 segment display. Each column of the matrix would be a digit, the lines would be the segments from A to G plus the decimal point. Displaying hours, minutes and seconds would use six of the height columns. That's two columns not used, which could stay off, or could display random patterns to add blinkiness, or be routed to other places to display other informations (am/pm, alarm, etc.)

    The seven segment display has been made with 2mm acrylic sheet, cut with CO2 laser. It's about the same shape as any commercially available display, it just shows 6 digits and two double-dot separation. It's composed of two layers : on the front layer are segments shapes, on the back one are 1mm holes at the center of each segments. Both layers have been glued together (soldered is the right words as it's assembled with chloroform), then a white diffusive PU resin has been poured into each segment. The idea was that the fiber should go through the hole, and diffuse into the resin.

    Unfortunately, it doesn't work. At all. The resin is probably too much opaque, or too thick, to properly diffuse light. There might be too much loss into the fiber. Or at the ends of it. The leds are also probably not powerful enough. I believe it could work, but it would need more tries.

    So I just add a "real" 7 segments display to it. I've kept the 8x8 matrix, because it looks cool. And as they are wired together, you can literally read each byte for each digit. Plus seconds. :)

  • Using shift registers to drive 7 segments displays.

    Pierre-Loup M.04/22/2022 at 11:14 0 comments

    A few years ago, I made a timer for photographic processes (which you can find information about here, and that is available here), which also has a 7-segment display. On this board the display is handled by the classic MAX7219 driver. Although it works very well, this chip has a kind of drawback : it's quite pricey, something like 9€/piece when bought by 10 at mouser's. That's half the price of all components I have for this project, for one of them ! And almost four times the price of the Atmega 328p running the board.

    Of course, one can bought them on aliexpress / Ebay, they are much cheaper there. But are either counterfeit, or recycled, and not everyone of them will work.

    So, I wanted to replace this component by something cheaper. Two shift registers should work, don't they ? This was one of the things I wanted to test with this project.

    The first thing I wanted to be sure of is if they could be multiplexed. Shift registers are often used to drive 7 segments displays, but with one SR per digit, and as many SR chained as there are digits. It seems a waste of resource, as you could theoretically use of them to drive segments, and another one to select digit. The only thing is that the one used for digit selection would have inversed logic, so ts can sink current. So be it. It works perfectly, with one drawback (I'll come to it later).

    Another thing I wanted to know : all programs or libraries I've read that use shift registers use bit banging. The protocol they use is quite close to SPI, so I wanted to try and use. There are two pro and one con.

    • The first advantage is that there is no function to write : just use a SPI library. One line of code for init, and one for each byte you want to send. Bonus : there are four SPI modes, one beeing the exact timing we need to drive a 74HC595.
    • The second pro, and the most important to me, is that on most microcontrollers there is a SPI hardware driver. So you just have to handle the bytes you want to send to the hardware, and can do something else in the meantime. Ok, the Arduino SPI library writes the byte to the SPI driver, but waits until the transfer is over, so the benefice of it is quite light.
    • The con is that as there is no slave select line on the shift register, you cannot use the SPI bus with any other device, as any data exchanged on the bus would appear on the SR. In this case this is not a problem since there is only one device on the line, but it could be.

    On the Arduino Nano I first tested it, the bus can be run at 8MHz. On the clock I've used the same clock frequency, but the chip runs at 20MHz, so 10MHz for SPI clock should be possible.

    Last thing : on my timer I offer the user to set the brightness he needs. Could it be with serial registers too ? I supposed yes, as there is an OE (output enable) pin. If we apply PWM on it, we should be able do dim the brightness, yes ? Well, it works really well too. The only thing to take care of is that the OE pin is active low, so the PWM duty cycle is reversed. If using Arduino's analogWrite(), you just subtract the duty cycle you want from 255, and you're good. If working with hardware timers directly (that could enable a 16bit resolution), you can chose the pin behavior (set on 0, clear on compare, or clear on 0, set on compare). On Attiny series 1, it's even simpler : you can invert logic for any pin by setting a bit in setting register, so when you write 1 to this pin, it goes to 0, and vice versa.

    Here we are : two shift registers used for driving a 7-segments display, with hardware SPI, brightness dimming. There are a few things to note, though :

    • The global brightness is less than with a MAX7219. That maybe because of the multiplexing (but MAX7219 also multiplexes its output, so I don't thing this is the cause), but also about the value chosen for led series resistances. I'll have to give a try with other resistance value.
    • The brightness is not the same for all numbers. 1s are far brighter than 3s or 0s. I think this comes from...
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View all 4 project logs

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MakerIoT2020 wrote 02/25/2023 at 03:49 point

A very interesting project, definitely from a programming point of view. Time keeping is indeed a very complex issue, and keeping things accurate, is a challenge. I definitely like the logic way that you handled the problem, and your solution using GPS is quite brilliant :)

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Pierre-Loup M. wrote 02/25/2023 at 07:56 point

Oh, thank you for your words !

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kelvinA wrote 04/23/2022 at 05:14 point

That clock looks lovely.

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Pierre-Loup M. wrote 04/23/2022 at 08:01 point

Thank you !

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Ken Yap wrote 04/22/2022 at 16:48 point

You could also consider chips from the Titan Micro series, of which probably the TM1637 is most common which are complete LED display controllers handling the multiplexing and brightness control all by themselves, only requiring update by a TWI protocol when the display has to change. They even have the capability to read push buttons. Price a few for a dollar.

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Pierre-Loup M. wrote 04/22/2022 at 17:04 point

Thank you for the tip ! I'm looking at it.
I know there are other solutions as well, like the Holtek HT16K33, that is used on Adafruit Trellis.

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Ken Yap wrote 04/22/2022 at 22:56 point

Here's my recent investigation on driving the TM display controllers with an I2C bus. Partly works. There are code examples on that page.

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