Spreadsheet for calculating blade shape. Incorporates equations from Wind Energy Explained to provide parameters for modelling each airfoil into a blade for fabrication.
This is the first report I wrote for this project as part of my self directed study. It covers the details of my wind analysis process, and the methodology I have used to develop an effective rotor.
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8.30 MB -
04/30/2022 at 01:21
This report is the second report, and covers the process of integrating the rotor with the scooter motor as a generator. It covers the nacelle construction, and the method of selecting gear ratio in the drive train.
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9.67 MB -
04/30/2022 at 01:22
The final report written for my self directed study. This report covers the testing process I went through, detailing how well the rotor behaved and the issues encountered with the generator start up torque.
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734.88 kB -
04/30/2022 at 01:22