
Electromechanical 7-Segment Vane Display

An effort to bring old-school EM-driven "vane" displays back to life... because analog is cool.

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For inexplicable reasons I've always been fascinated by analog seven-segment displays, technically known as "vane" displays. You've almost certainly seen them before, probably on an '80s or '90s game show (as in this screen-grab from old-school "Double Dare"), perhaps on a clock at a train station, or maybe on a big fuel price sign.

Why aren't these things more ubiquitous? They don't require much electricity to work, they can be made quite large, and they're just plain cool, but there are scarcely any manufacturers of these displays, and those that do exist are eye-poppingly expensive. This project is my humble attempt to make the vane display something that can be constructed with relative ease and without requiring a second mortgage.

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